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Reduced Pollution Certificate Database

Record of Reduced Pollution Certificates. Data collection ceased.

Council energy consumption

Energy consumption of council sites from council buildings to street lighting. The data set includes the energy consumption, associated costs and from 2013/14 carbon implications. ·Electricity is...

Domestic Energy Performance Certificate Register

Electronic register containing all data in relation to Energy Performance Certificates that have been prepared for both new build and existing dwellings in England and Wales. EPCs for existing...

Summary of Inspection Statistics - Reduced Plant Goods 2013

This dataset provides a summary of the Import Inspection statistics for Reduced Goods 2013. Reduced goods are those for which inspections are permitted at a less than 100% rate, becuase they are...

Summary of Inspection Statistics - Reduced Plant Goods 2011

This dataset provides a summary of the Import Inspection statistics for Reduced Goods 2011. Reduced goods are those for which inspections are permitted at a less than 100% rate, becuase they are...

Summary of Inspection Statistics - Reduced Plant Goods 2015

This dataset provides a summary of the Import Inspection statistics for Reduced Goods 2015. Reduced goods are those for which inspections are permitted at a less than 100% rate, becuase they are...

Summary of Inspection Statistics - Reduced Plant Goods 2014

This dataset provides a summary of the Import Inspection statistics for Reduced Goods 2014. Reduced goods are those for which inspections are permitted at a less than 100% rate, becuase they are...

Summary of Inspection Statistics - Reduced Plant Goods 2010

This dataset provides a summary of the Import Inspection statistics for Reduced Goods 2010. Reduced goods are those for which inspections are permitted at a less than 100% rate, becuase they are...

Summary of Inspection Statistics - Reduced Plant Goods 2012

This dataset provides a summary of the Import Inspection statistics for Reduced Goods 2012. Reduced goods are those for which inspections are permitted at a less than 100% rate, becuase they are...

Climate Change Mitigation and Energy Strategy Model Data

This package contains the data behind [Delivering London's Energy...

Energy Certificates

Data to record energy usage and Display Energy Certificates. Updated: as required.

Energy Certificates

Data to record energy usage and Display Energy Certificates. Updated: as required.

State of Calderdale 2018: Reduce inequalities

The State of Calderdale assembly brings together key representatives from the public, private, and voluntary and community sectors. As part of the event, Calderdale Council prepares a data pack to...

Energy Supply Point Locations - Scotland

The location of existing and planned sources of energy, both electricity and heat, is provided as part of the Scotland Heat Map. Alongside data on heat demand, this is used to identify...


A variety of multiple Data sets showing Energy Statistics in Plymouth. This DATA is taken from both internal sources in Plymouth City Council Departments and The Local Government data source and...

Renewable Energy Schemes

Areas of potential identified as a result of the 2010 Decentralised and Zero Carbon Energy Planning’ study. There is no information on existing renewable energy schemes.

Renewable Energy Statistics

The DOE Planning Portal provides provisional Renewable Energy statistics based on NI planning applications. Tables are available for Renewable Energy applications and decisions by type, Local...

Energy Flow Chart

Energy production, trade, transformation, energy industry use & loses and consumption data. All charts are shown in million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) unless specified...

Energy Performance of Buildings

This release presents official statistics on energy performance of buildings in England and Wales, including energy efficiency ratings, environmental impact ratings, energy usage, costs and...

Non-domestic Energy Performance Certificate and Display Energy Certificate data

THIS DATASET IS NOT OPENLY LICENSED AS IT CONTAINS ROYAL MAIL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. See the link to a Copyright Notice in the 'METADATA' section. The dataset contains Display Energy Certificate...