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87 results found

Welfare reform

Research into the impact of welfare reform including changes to Housing Benefit, the 'bedroom tax', the benefit cap and reductions in Council Tax Support

HMRC Civil Service Reform

Civil Service Reform: one year on – HMRC progress on implementing Civil Service Reform. On 19 June 2012, the Minister for the Cabinet Office and Head of the Civil Service jointly published the...

Summary Justice Reform Performance Report

This report contains a synopsis of summary criminal justice system performance against a range of key performance indicators for Summary Justice Reform Source agency: Scottish...

List of meetings with Trade Unions on pensions reform

A list is held of dates of meetings with Trade Unions on pensions reform since September 2011

Impacts Of Welfare Reform Cabinet Policy Briefing 4 February 2013

This is the fourth in a series of welfare reform impact assessments for Cabinet. • Data is correct as of January 2013 for housing benefit data or latest available data for other DWP benefits •...

Death certification reform: A case study on the potential impact on mortality statistics

Results from a case study of areas piloting death certification reform showing the potential impact on mortality statistics by cause of death. Source agency: Office for National...

Impacts Of Welfare Reform Cabinet Policy Briefing 4 February 2013 PUBLIC

• This is the fourth in a series of welfare reform impact assessments for Cabinet • Data is correct as of January 2013 for housing benefit data or latest available data for other DWP benefits •...

Interim impact assessment: urgent reforms to higher education funding and student finance

Underlying data tables from the interim impact assessment: urgent reforms to higher education funding and student finance [URN 10/1309]

Cumulative Impact Assessment of Welfare Reform in London

This analysis assesses the impact of national changes to the tax and welfare system since 2010 on households in London, using analysis commissioned by the GLA City Intelligence Unit and delivered...

Barnet response to DEFRA consultation on reforming the UK packaging producer responsibility system

Barnet council's officer response to DEFRA's consultation on reforming the UK packaging producer responsibility system. Submitted 13 May 2019

Interim equality impact assessment: urgent reforms to higher education funding and student finance

Underlying data from the publication ‘Interim equality impact assessment: urgent reforms to higher education funding and student finance’ [URN 10/1310].

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project: Novel Materials and Reforming Processing Route for the Production of Ready-Separated CO2/N2/H2 from Natural Gas Feedstocks

The world's population is predicted to grow from the current 7 billions to a plateau of approximately 9.2 billions to be reached within the next 60 years, representing roughly a 30 % increase in a...

UKCCSRC Call 2 project poster: Novel Materials and Reforming Process Route for the Production of Ready-Separated CO2/N2/H2, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 2 project Novel Materials and Reforming Process Route for the Production of Ready-Separated CO2/N2/H2 from Natural Gas Feedstocks was presented at the CSLF Call...

UKCCSRC Call 2 project poster: Novel Materials and Reforming Processing Route for the Production of Ready-Separated CO2/N2/H2, Cardiff Biannual, 10.09.14

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 2 project, Novel Materials and Reforming Processing Route for the Production of Ready-Separated CO2/N2/H2 from Natural Gas Feedstocks, was presented at the Cardiff...

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project C2-181 - Data associated with "Chemical equilibrium analysis of hydrogen production from shale gas using sorption enhanced chemical looping steam reforming" in Fuel Processing Technology

Dupont, Valerie (2017) Data associated with "Chemical equilibrium analysis of hydrogen production from shale gas using sorption enhanced chemical looping steam reforming" in Fuel Processing...

Data associated with journal article 'Modelling of high purity H2 production via sorption enhanced chemical looping steam reforming of methane in a packed bed reactor'. Syed Zaheer Abbas, Valerie Dupont, Tariq Mahmud (2017)

Data derived from UKCCSRC Call 2 Project C2-181. The journal article can be found at Sorption enhanced chemical looping steam reforming of methane...

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project C2-181. Data for "Kinetics study and modelling of steam methane reforming process over a NiO/Al2O3 catalyst in an adiabatic packed bed reactor" in International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.

Dupont, Valerie (2016) Data for "Kinetics study and modelling of steam methane reforming process over a NiO/Al2O3 catalyst in an adiabatic packed bed reactor" in International Journal of Hydrogen...

GLA response to the Department for Education’s Higher Education Reform Consultation.

The Greater London Authority’s responses to national government consultations relating to adult education, skills, and employment provision.

Data associated with journal article 'Modelling of H2 production in a packed bed rector via sorption enhanced steam methane reforming process'. S Z Abbas, V Dupont, T Mahmud (2017).

Data derived from UKCCSRC Call 2 Project C2-181. The journal article can be found at The sorption enhanced steam reforming (SE-SMR) of methane over...

Electricity and gas consumption

Domestic and industrial consumption of electricity and gas Source: Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR) Publisher: Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory...