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3,446 results found

Council Tax Requirement

This dataset shows the total amount of council tax income that each authority has budgeted to use in the forthcoming financial year. It shows the amounts charged to a Band D property, the taxbase,...

General licences - excluded areas where specific licences are required

This dataset is a list of designations where General licences 001, 002 and 004 do not apply. Those wishing to shoot birds listed on the general licences will require a bespoke species...

TSP 3: UK Armed Forces Strengths and Requirements

Strengths and requirements of the UK Armed Forces. Please note that this publication is no longer produced following consultation. Details can be found on the DASA website by following the link...

Water Resource Availability

The Water Resource Availability data is based on a nationally consistent method and provides a national picture of Water Resource Availability for each Water Framework Directive Cycle 2 water...

Water resource reliability

The Resource Reliability data indicates the percentage of time additional consumptive abstraction may be available and what this means for abstraction licensing. The Resource Reliability data...

Resources Used - Business Committee Report

FSA Net expenditure (excluding AME) £m and Staffing FTEs.

Family Resources Survey

The Family Resources Survey collects information on the incomes and circumstances of private households in the UK (or Great Britain before 2002/03). Source agency: Work and Pensions Designation:...

HPI - Educational resourcing

Health Poverty Index - Root Causes: Educational resourcing: Average expenditure per pupil Source: Department of Health (DoH): Budget and Outturn Statements, 2001-2002, Pupil Level Annual School...

Notes to Resource Accounts

Data prepared by HR from SAP payroll system giving remuneration details of Board members; Ministers etc as required for resource account disclosure

Human Resources datasets

Human Resources datasets related to individual staff eg learning and development.

Flexible Resourcing Records

Recruitment - matching skills profiles and availability to identify candidates with the right skills.

Civilian Human Resource

Personal data relating to the pay and personnel functions for civilian employees of the MoD

HR Resourcing Database

Contains details of vacancies advertised, diversity information of applicants, details of pre-appointment checks completed for successful candidates

Resource Management System

Resource Management (RM) was the system used throughout DWP from 2006 to carry out all its transactional human resources, payroll, finance and procurement functions. RM held data on over 100,000...

NI 089 - Reduction of number of schools judged as requiring special measures

The number of failing schools. A failing school is one judged on inspection by Ofsted to be providing inadequate education and lacking the capacity to improve, and therefore placed in special...

Human Resources Management System (HRMS (iTrent))

A collection of datasets showing HR, recruitment, payroll and learning and development information for Ofsted employees.

TSP 2: UK Armed Forces Full Time Strengths and Trained Requirements

Full time strengths and trained requirements of the UK armed forces. Please note that this publication is no longer produced, following consultation. Details can be found on the DASA website by...

HPI: Social care resourcing

Health Poverty Index - Situation of Health: Social care resourcing: Personal social services expenditure per capita Source: Department of Health (DoH), General Fund Services Revenue Account...

Human Resource (HR) Personnel

HR info from recruitment, and for staff

Human Resources Online Database

Information related to Staff Names, address, phone numbers Pay, Location etc.