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Classical Scrapie Cases Brought Under Restrictions In England in 2013

This dataset shows the number of cases brought under restriction in 2013 following a confirmed case of Classical Scrapie. Attribution statement: ©Crown Copyright, APHA 2016

Atypical Scrapie Cases Bought Under Restriction in England in 2014

This dataset shows the number of cases brought under restriction in 2014 following a confirmed case of ATypical Scrapie. Attribution statement: ©Crown Copyright, APHA 2016

Atypical Scrapie Cases Bought Under Restriction in England in 2012

This dataset shows the number of cases brought under restriction in 2012 following a confirmed case of Atypical Scrapie. Attribution statement: ©Crown Copyright, APHA 2016

Weight Restriction Zone

This layer shows the area covered by the 7.5T Weight Restriciton Zone as outlined in The City of London and Tower Hamlets (Prescribed Routes) Traffic Order 1989.

ROW Restricted Byways

A working copy extract of the Definitive Map and Statement, the legal record of Public Rights of Way (PROW).  This dataset should not be used for legal purposes; the Public Right of Way data is...

ROW Restricted Byways

A working copy extract of the Definitive Map and Statement, the legal record of Public Rights of Way (PROW).  This dataset should not be used for legal purposes; the Public Right of Way data is...

Number of registered mixed species farms buying feed containing restricted proteins - 2014

This dataset details mixed species farms, registered on the Processed Animal Proteins Database in 2014, buying in feed containing restricted proteins but also keeping ruminants. Attribution...

Number of registered mixed species farms buying feed containing restricted proteins - 2013

This dataset details mixed species farms, registered on the Processed Animal Proteins Database in 2013, buying in feed containing restricted proteins but also keeping ruminants. Attribution...

Number of registered mixed species farms buying feed containing restricted proteins - 2012

This dataset details mixed species farms, registered on the Processed Animal Proteins Database in 2012, buying in feed containing restricted proteins but also keeping ruminants. Attribution...

Number of registered mixed species farms buying feed containing restricted proteins - 2015

This dataset details mixed species farms, registered on the Processed Animal Proteins Database in 2015, buying in feed containing restricted proteins but also keeping ruminants. Attribution...

TMO - Barnet (Free Parking Places, Loading Places & Waiting, Loading & Stopping Restrictions) Consolidation Order 2014

Traffic Management Orders (TMOs) are legal documents drafted and made by the council, usually under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. They regulate the use of highways for movement and parking...

Area management - areas where commercial fishing is prohibited or restricted (marine fisheries closed areas) - includes measures which contribute to the Marine Protected Area (MPA) network

Fishing pressures can be managed using spatial measures such as prohibiting or restricting certain types of fishing, target species, or vessel capacity. This dataset depicts restrictions defined by...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project report: Chemical looping for low cost oxygen production and other applications. Part II (restricted)

Imperial College has modelled and designed from first principles a counter-flow thermal oxygen reactor using CuO (MnO) based particles as an oxygen carrier, for replacing the burner in conventional...

Scottish Government - Marine - INSPIRE View Only Service (WMS) (Restricted access)

This web feature service (WMS) contains those layers maintained by the Scottish Government's Marine Directorate where the data is limited to view only (eg licensed IPR from third party).

UKHO Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units - Download Service

Download service publishing:

UKHO Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units - View Service

View Service publishing: 6 mile fish limit, gas importation storage zone, pollution zone, renewable energy zone, UK 200 nautical mile fishery limit and the UK continental shelf.

DEFRA Survey on impacts on businesses of REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals)

The Defra REACH Business Impacts Survey was designed to provide Defra with information about the impact of the EU REACH Regulation on UK businesses after the first registration deadline of 30...

Domestic Forestry

Information relating to Office of the Commissioners for Public Appointments (OCPA) files, Chair/CEO appraisals (Restricted: staff), Legal advice (Legal advice) and (Restricted: Public Bodies Reform...

Traffic Orders

Parking and Waiting Restrictions (on-street and waiting restrictions) located within Dudley Metropolitan Borough.

Parking Controlled Weekend Zones

A controlled parking weekend zone, often referred to as a CPZ, is an area where the council have introduced restrictions on parking during certain times. These restrictions only apply to public...