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497 results found

Green roofs in the Central Activities Zone

Overview ======== An updated spatial data set for existing green roofs has been produced for London's [Central Activities...

Dispensing contractors’ remuneration

Provides details of payments made to Scottish dispensers of pharmaceuticals in the community. Prior to March 2009 this publication was released as part of an overall "Prescribing Statistics"...

AddressBase Plus for contractors

GLA's processed pan-London Ordnance Survey AddressBase Plus for use by contractors that have signed PSMA Contractor Licence

Contractor Key Performance Indicators

Results of the contractor performance in England and Wales for the periods 2015-16 and 2016-17, measured against the key performance indicator RAG rating, reported annually at area level.

Global Threat Reduction Programme contractors

Details of Global Threat Reduction Programme contractors overseas

Register of Approved SIA Contractors

Lists all of the organisations that have met the requirements for the Approved Contractor Scheme. These organisations have distinguished themselves as being amongst the best providers of private...

Customer/Contractor Data

Providing supplier data and validation of that data to other parts of the DFMS

Dispensing by Contractor

The data covers prescriptions that are prescribed in Northern Ireland by GPs or Nurses (within a GP practice), that are subsequently dispensed by a community pharmacist, dispensing doctor,...

Annual Inquiry of Main & Sub- Contractors in the Construction Industry

To maintain the builders address file register

Solar Potential

This dataset comprises polygon data which shows an assessment of building roofs within the Bristol area for suitability for the installation of solar panels. This provides a general indication of...

Gateway Centres in Salford

Gateway Centres bring together council and health services under one roof.

Building Materials and Components statistics

Provides information on selected building materials and contains monthly data on price indices, bricks, cement and concrete blocks; and quarterly data on sand and gravel, slate, concrete roofing...

Building Part

Polygon feature representing either a complete separate building, or part of a larger building where internal divisions exist from ground to roof level which can be identified externally. Examples...

Meteorology data

A meteorology site was established on the roof of the CREATE CENTRE in June 2005. The purpose of this site is to collect data for use in dispersion modelling and water resource management studies....

Areas with Permitted Development Rights revoked

Article 4 Directions mean that certain Permitted Development (PD) Rights normally enjoyed by residents have been removed in order that the Council can exercise greater control over how features...

Schools' Condition Backlog

This dataset shows estimated condition backlog by CYC maintained school, 'condition element' (roofs, windows etc), condition grading and priority grading. Condition and priority gradings, which are...

Daily plot level (micro meteorological) data at Climoor field site in Clocaenog Forest 1998-2015

This dataset contains daily micro-meteorological data from the experimental plots at the Climoor field site in Clocaenog forest, North East Wales. It runs from 15/7/1999 until 30/06/2015, and...

Leeds visitor centre footfall

Data showing numbers of visitors to the Leeds Visitor Centre. Please note ----------- * Jan-May 1995 figures are for Wellington Street centre, Gateway opened at the end of May * June 2008...

South Dorset Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) Survey Data

Five survey(s) of South Dorset rMCZ site have been completed to date (Jun 2015): Cruise: ITT_sdor_3_2013 Date: February and March 2013 Data collected: MB Bathymetry Coverage (Contractor): 100%...

2013 - 2015 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Bideford to Foreland Conservation Zone (MCZ) Survey Data

Five surveys of Bideford to Foreland rMCZ site have been completed to date (Apr 2015): Cruise: bdfp_2_2014 Date: 2014 Data collected: MB Bathymetry Coverage (Contractor): 50% MB Backscatter...