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Self-directed Care Census, Scotland

Social care clients receiving payment from Local Authorities for self-directed care. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...

NI 127 - Self reported experience of social care users

Self reported experience of social care users. The measure will be based on a survey, from questions to be asked of a selected sample of social care service users.

NI 127 Self reported experience of social care users

Self reported experience of social care users. The measure will be based on a survey, from questions to be asked of a selected sample of social care service users. Source: Department of Health...

Fly tipping

Details of the incidents of fly tipping reported to the council, and top ten streets for reports of fly tipping.

Children Missing from Home or Care, LA Self Evaluation Scores

The release provides data on the self-evaluation scores given by each local authority in relation to available measures to monitor and respond to cases of Children Missing from Home or Care. A new...

Allerdale TIP data

TIP Data originally recorded for Environmental Protection to record known historic environmental refuse TIPs. Estimated extent expressed as a polygon extent

Fly Tipping

Information provided by Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council on incidences of fly tipping in the Borough between April 2015 and September 2017

Bradford fly tipping

This dataset is derived from Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and relates to reports of fly tipping on public land reported between November 2009 and December 2017. During this time fly...

Fly-tipping - Unresolved Incidents

This dataset contains __current unresolved__ fly-tipping incidents in York recorded in City of York Council’s customer relationship management (CRM) tool from July 2019 onwards. Please note the...

Fly-tipping in England

A summary of fly-tipping incidents in England, by local authority. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Fly-tipping - All Incidents

This dataset contains __all__ fly-tipping incidents in York recorded in City of York Council’s customer relationship management (CRM) tool from July 2019 onwards. Please note the dataset excludes...

Fly-tipping - Last 30 Days Incidents

This dataset contains the __most recent__ fly-tipping incidents in York - covering a 30 days period. The information presented has been recorded in City of York Council’s customer relationship...

Emergency Hospital Admissions for Intentional Self-Harm (all ages)

Mental health and well-being is an important aspect of public health. Self-harm is an expression of personal distress. There is a significant and persistent risk of future suicide following an...

FIIFIS Self-inflicted

Database containing fatal incident records for PPO self-inflicted investigations from 2007 onwards.

FLY-TIPPING - Number of issues reported

FLY-TIPPING - Number of issues reported

Self reported bad health

Data showing self reported bad health in Plymouth.

Self-employed workers in the UK

The characteristics of self-employed workers in April to June 2012. For example it looks at the hours worked, age and occupation of self-employed workers. Source agency: Office for National...

Welfare to self-employment: research sample

Underlying data for the research sample a report on research exploring how Government self-employment programmes can most effectively and efficiently enable unemployed people to enter sustainable...

North Lincolnshire Council Local Development Plans - Non Domestic Waste Tip

North Lincolnshire Council Local Development Plans - Non Domestic Waste Tip represented as polygons Non Domestic Waste Tip digitised with reference to Ordnance Survey MasterMap.

NI 196 - Improved street and environmental cleanliness - fly tipping

The definition of fly-tipping used is designed to ensure that the whole spectrum of illegally dumped waste is taken into account.