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4,268 results found

Aberdeen Grit Bins/Boxes

Location of adopted grit boxes throughout the city, along with their type – either glass-fibre or plastic. Note, ACC does not adopt grit boxes that a factor, developer or any other party has put in...

Camden Ward Profiles Jan 2020 (set)

This set of updated profiles incorporate the most recent ward data available from population forecasts, from surveys and from administrative data to give the best current view of the local...

Railway Link Set

A Railway Link Set depicts the full extent of a named railway as one continuous line. It may carry the name in more than one language.

MSOA (2021) to Upper Tier Local Authorities (2023) Best Fit Lookup in EW

This file is a best fit lookup between 2021 middle layer super output areas and upper tier local authorities in England and Wales as at 1st April 2023.  (File size - 1.2 MB)Field Names - MSOA21CD,...

OA (2021) to Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies (July 2024) Best Fit Lookup in EW

This file is a 'best fit' lookup of 2021 Output Areas to Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies (July 2024) to Local Authority Districts in England and Wales - (File Size - 11 MB)Field Names -...

Set-aside vegetation survey

Botanical survey of land formerly known as set-aside and Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions (GAEC) 14 margins

LSOA (2021) to Local Authority Districts (April 2023) Best Fit Lookup in EW

This file is a best fit lookup between 2021 lower layer super output areas and local authority districts in England and Wales as at 1st April 2023  (File Size - 6 MB)  Field Names - LSOA21CD,...

HALOGEN AMI Signal Setting information

The data in the report is derived from Signal Setting information from the Advanced Motorway Indicator signs (AMIs) on the Highways Agency's English motorway network at an individual sign level....

OA (2011) to Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies (July 2024) Best Fit Lookup in EW

This file is a 'best fit' lookup of 2011 Output Areas to Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies (July 2024) to Local Authority Districts in England and Wales - (File Size - 7 MB)Field Names -...

LSOA (2021) to Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies (July 2024) Best Fit Lookup in EW

This file is a 'best fit' lookup file of 2021 LSOA to Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies (July 2024) to Local Authority Districts in England and Wales - (File Size - 2.8 MB)Field Names -...

Central Setting Sutton Town Centre

This dataset consists of the boundary of the Central setting of Sutton Town Centre. The Central setting is one of 3 broad character areas (together with North and South) which were originally...

LSOA (2021) to Electoral Ward (2023) to LAD (2023) Best Fit Lookup in EW

This file is a best fit lookup between 2021 lower layer super output areas, electoral wards/divisions and local authority districts in England and Wales as at 4th May 2023  (File Size - 8.8...

Allerdale Hadrian Wall Settings Constraint

Allerdale Planning Hadrian Wall Setting Constraint areas. Areas defined as polygons.

MSOA (2021) to Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies (July 2024) Best Fit Lookup in EW


Best Value Performance Indicator data

2007/08 was the last statutory period of collection and reporting of the Best Value Performance Indicators.

LSOA (2021) to Electoral Ward (2022) to LAD (2022) Best Fit Lookup in EW (V3)

This file is a best fit lookup between 2021 lower layer super output areas, electoral wards/divisions and local authority districts in England and Wales as at 31st December 2022  (File Size - 9.2...

Population Projections (latest GLA Set)

The current set of GLA Population (borough and ward population only at present) being used to plan Camden services. Updated annually. Further information email

Output Area (2021) to Upper-Tier Local Authorities (April 2023) Best Fit Lookup in EW

A lookup between 2021 Output Areas (OA) and Upper-Tier Local Authorities (UTLA) (Counties, Unitary Authorities, Metropolitan Districts and London Boroughs) as at 4th May 2023 in England and Wales....

Immediate Setting of Bevis Marks Synagogue

Polygon indicating the Immediate Setting of Bevis Marks Synagogue

LSOA (2011) to Electoral Ward (2021) to LAD (2021) Best Fit Lookup in EW (V2)

This file is a best fit lookup between 2011 lower layer super output areas, electoral wards/divisions and local authority districts in England and Wales as at 31 December 2021  (File Size - 7...