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Shallow Coal Workings

The shallow coal workings dataset is derived from the Authority's records of underground coal mine workings. This dataset consists of all those underground coal workings with a recorded or...

Berwickshire and North Northumberland EMS Mudflats and Shallow Inlets and Bays survey

Four sites on the Berwickshire and North Northumberland European Marine Site were surveyed in order to assess the condition of intertidal sand and mud flats and establish a baseline for...

Past Shallow Coal Mine Workings

Past shallow coal mine workings are derived from the Coal Authority’s records of underground coal mine workings. This dataset has been created by extracting all those underground workings, or parts...

Probable Shallow Coal Mine Workings

Probable shallow coal mine workings contain locations and estimated extents of probable shallow underground workings for which no recorded plan exists, but where it is likely that workable coal at...


Polygon feature representing an area of permanent inland water. (This abstract has been temporarily padded to import into GeoNetwork)

2013 Natural England Large Shallow Inlets and Bays within the Wash and North Norfolk SAC

Survey name: 2013 Natural England Large Shallow Inlets and Bays within the Wash and North Norfolk SAC This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of marine...

Water Point

Point feature associated with permanent inland water that is too small to be captured as a Water feature but which OS consider to be of sufficient interest to be captured.

Water Link

A network representation of the general alignment and connectivity of permanent water, including rivers, lakes, and canals.

Water Node

The location where a connected area of permanent water ends, where an area of permanent water is connected to two or more other areas of permanent water, or where a recorded attribute changes for...

QICS paper: Effect of a controlled sub-seabed release of CO2 on biogeochemistry of shallow marine sediments, their pore waters, and overlying water column

Carbon capture and storage is a mitigation strategy that can be used to aid the reduction of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. This process aims to capture CO2 from large point-source emitters and...

Water Link Set

A body of water with an accepted name that the water network flows through. (This abstract has been temporarily padded to import into GeoNetwork)

EWCO - Water Quality

Spatial data supporting appropriately located and designed woodland creation to help reduce pollutants through land use change that reduces fertilizer application or by creating woodland that...

Scottish Water Reported Overflow Event Data to SEPA 2019-2023 Summary

This overflow event data set is the Scottish Water (SW) reported annual overflow event submissions to the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) for the last 5 calendar years (2019-2023) for...

Scottish Water Non-Reported Overflow Event Data 2022 to 2023 Summary

Scottish Water (SW) non-reported overflow event data for overflows that are not reported to SEPA as part of the annual regulatory return. The data file provided contains overflow event data for...

QICS Data: Effect of a controlled sub-seabed release of CO2 on the biogeochemistry of shallow marine sediments, pore waters, and the overlying water (2012-2013)

The potential for leakage of CO2 from a storage reservoir into the overlying marine sediments and into the water column and the impacts on benthic ecosystems are major challenges The potential for...

Boundary High Water Mark

In the OS NGD Boundaries Collection, the mean high water (springs) mark is shown to the normal tidal limit (NTL). Areas of salt marsh, mudflats and so on often have extremely complicated tide...

OS MasterMap Water Network Layer

OS MasterMap Water Network Layer offers one of the world’s most detailed, heighted water networks – showing the flow and precise course of every river, stream, lake and canal in Great...

Water put into public water supply by water service companies and water supply companies: 1995/6 to 2010/11

Water put into public water supply by water service companies and water supply companies: 1995/6 to 2010/11

National Forest Estate Open Water England 2016

This dataset shows captured areas of open water within the national forest estate. These will generally be fairly natural and permanent in character and not be created by dams. Attribution...

National Forest Estate Water Courses England 2016

This dataset shows captured water courses within the national forest estate. These will be natural water courses which will usually be permanent. Attribution statement: Contains OS data © Crown...