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Social media usage by local government

A list of UK local authorities which are using social media such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube. Also includes those with RSS feeds, web development blogs and open data.

Social media search stream data

The FSA Communications team tracked online and social data streams for pre-determined search topics, to capture data sets.

Children's media literacy report

Annual report on children's media literacy in the UK. This report provides detailed evidence on media use, attitudes and understanding among children and young people aged 5-15, as well as detailed...

Meetings with media organisations

This list sets out the Secretary of State’s meetings with senior media executives for the period May 2010-July 2011. This includes all meetings with proprietors, senior executives and editors of...

Ask Boris social media monitoring

Monthly Tweetreach reports monitoring the online metrics for the Mayor of London's 'Ask Boris' Twitter sessions. Each report is generated against the search term, hashtag #askboris and is run from...

Peat usage in growing media production

Data on the volume and composition of growing media supplied to the UK amateur and professional use horticultural markets. It contributes to the monitoring of progress of the ambition set out in...

Annual media evaluation

An evaluation of all media work carried out for 2016.


Locations of markets in the City of Nottingham including information about the days on which the markets operate.

Cross-Platform Media Tracker

The cross-platform media tracker, formerly called the media tracker, provides information on UK adults’ attitudes and opinions towards television and radio broadcasting, and related areas such as...

Weekly markets

Location, opening times and contact details of all weekly markets. More information on Calderdale markets can be found at...

Adults' media use and attitudes

The Adults' Media Use and Attitudes report is published as part of Ofcom's media literacy duties. It provides data on adults' media use and attitudes across TV, radio, games, mobile and the...

Social grade (approximated) (2001 Census)

Social grade is the socio-economic classification used by the market research and marketing industries, most often in the analysis of spending habits and consumer attitudes. Source: Census...

Social Housing Assets

The Council is required to publish this information under the Local Government Transparency Code 2015 set out by the Department of Local Government (DCLG), now the Ministry of Housing, Communities...

Social Housing Assets

The Council is required to publish this information under the Local Government Transparency Code 2015 set out by the Department of Local Government (DCLG), now the Ministry of Housing, Communities...

Street Markets

Shows locations of street markets in Hackney part of LDF evidence base.

Annual markets information

Dataset showing year round council and private markets. Information includes the name of the market, when it came into existence, opening times and contact details.

Private markets information

Dataset showing individual private markets around the city on a year by year basis. Information includes the name of the market, when it came into existence, opening times and contact details.

Housing Revenue Account Social Housing Stock

The Local Government transparency code 2015 requires that a Local Authority publishes social housing stock at postal sector level. The data is based on the valuations by Norfolk Property Services...

Broadcast media: hours, revenue and spend

These datasets apply to Ofcom's annual publication, the Media Nations Report.

Social mobility index

The social mobility index of England sets out the differences between where children grow up and the chances they have of doing well in adult life. More details available at:...