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Spherical shell rotating convection simulation

This dataset includes numerical simulation data of bottom heated convection in a rotating spherical shell. These numerical models are used to investigate the dynamics of convection in planetary...

Contact database

Contact database for communications purposes contains contact information and contact history and response. The data is split in to those contacts that are managed automatically and those which...

Customer Contact

Information on customer contacts with the Council, including telephone, email, face-to-face and online contacts.

Schools contacts

This data set is no longer updated. Please visit []( which contains...

Advertising Contact

Advertising Contact details and correspondence with manufacturers and Importers. Market surveillance reports includes records relating to the criminal justice system.

Bradford school contacts

Key contact information for schools in Bradford.

Apprentice contact list

Contact details, location and line manager for all apprentices

Councillor contact details

Contact information for all current Borough of Barnet Councillors

Customer Contacts Database

Contains customer contact details, vessel details and emails. Data collection ceased.

Members - Contact details

A dataset containing the contact details for all Barnet councillors

Customer Contact Records system

Student Loans Company Limited's Customer Contact operational data. Contains data on contacts made by customers.

OGP Contacts Monitoring Spreadsheet

List of contacts in FCO posts, governments, civil society and others and our engagement/contact with them regarding the OGP Summit. Contains personal information.

Customer contact information dataset

Customer contact data helps support the provision of the corporate data as well as assisting customers with their dealings with IPO. For example contacting customers regarding - acceptance or...

Customer Services contact enquiries

**DUE TO TECHNICAL PROBLEMS THIS DATA IS CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE** Information showing customer contact to our Contact Centre and One Stop Centres by month. Dataset Guidance ---------------- * ...

Customer contact information dataset

Customer contact data helps support the provision of the corporate data as well as assisting customers with their dealings with Companies House. For example contacting customers regarding -...

SchooL Contacts CBMDC

Key contact information for schools in Bradford.

EMR bulletin contacts list

Contains names and contact information of key EMR stakeholders who have asked to receive regulat updates through the EMR bulletin

Police pension administrator contacts

The responsibility for administering the police pension schemes lies locally in each police force area. This dataset contains relevant contact details.

Contact Centre Database (CCD)

Monthly data sets with interview data from contact centre customers. Updated: monthly/quarterly/six monthly and annual datasets. Data coverage: 2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13, 2013/14

Sustainable Development Stakeholder contact database

Sustainable Development Stakeholder contact database