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846 results found

Spray Drift

Comparative drift data collected in field conditions in the UK for range of nozzle types, operating conditions and wind speed

Section 26 Database

Summarises information held electronically in respect of police officers & staff from forces in England & Wales whom we have issued with letters, under section 26 of the Police Act 1996,...

Animal Welfare and Hygiene Compliance Sections

List of Animal Welfare and Hygiene sections that FSA staff record non-compliances against on the integrated Animal Welfare and Enforcement system

Section 18 Third Party Information (TPI) Mart

UK financial institution interest obtained under our statutory powers Section 18

Section 17 Third Party Information (TPI) Mart

UK bank and building interest data obtained under our statutory powers Section 17

Section 16 Third Party Information (TPI) Mart

Details of payments made to an individual or business for services provided to a third party

Customs and Excise Management Act Section 164 (CEMA)

Details of people searches made under Customs and Excise Management Act Section 164 (CEMA). Updated: quarterly.

Section 106

Locations in Stockport of Section 106 agreements

Section 106

Section 106 legal agreements between Wirral Council and developers, under the TPA 1990. Formerley known as Section 52 agreements

Section 106

Planning obligations under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended), commonly known as s106 agreements, are a mechanism which make a development proposal acceptable in...

Section 106

Planning obligations under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended), commonly known as s106 agreements, are a mechanism which make a development proposal acceptable in...

Section 106

Section 106's (S106's) registered (in the local land charges register) after 1 January 2012 located within the Hastings Borough Council Administrative area (polygon dataset). S106's registered...

Mendip District Council Section 106 & Section 52 Agreements

Locations of Section 106 and Section 52 Agreements within the Mendip District Council local authority area. Section 106 agreements allow for Local Planning Authorities and persons interested in...

Section 106 Agreements

Location of Section 106 Planning Agreements. The area affected by each agreement is recorded as a polygon. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the...

Section 106 Agreements

Overlay shows the extent of section 106 boundaries as polygons within Eastleigh Borough Council. A section106 agreement is a legally binding obligation attached to a piece of land. They enable the...

Section 106 Agreements

Waverley Borough Council dataset recording the location where a development or land owner has entered into a legal agreement relating to a Planning Permission.

Section 106 Agreements

Section 106 (S106) Agreements in the Lewes District, the limit of each S106 agreement is recorded as a polygon as captured from the legal document. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be...

Section 106 Agreements

Section 106 Legal Agreements within the Wealden District Council administrative area

Section 106 Agreements

there is no information available

Section 106 Agreements

Section 106 agreements within Milton Keynes