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Stadium Village Development Framework

Development framework document for Stadium Village in Sunderland

Sporting Stadiums

Point locations of sporting stadia in Nottinghamshire.

Regeneration Areas - Enterprise Zone

The Enterprise Zone incorporates a range of brownfield development opportunities, growing industrial estates and expanding sports stadium sites.

Statistics on football-related arrests and football banning orders

Annual release of statistics for football-related arrests and football banning orders. Breakdowns provided are by offence, club supported, overseas arrests and arrests by location (inside/outside...

Barton Strategic Regional Site

Dataset showing the extent of the Barton Strategic Regional Site, identified in the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan 2006 - 2016 as a key location potentially providing for employment...

Saracens Drawdowns

Barnet Council entered into a £22.9 Million Loan Agreement plus an amount for fees not to exceed £229,450 with Saracens Copthall LLP for the construction of a new West Stand as part of the StoneX...

Proposals Map Data

The proposals map for Salford reflects the spatial policies of the adopted development plan. It contains policies from the UDP, the Minerals DPD and the Waste DPD. The datasets included are listed...