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Analysis of NICS Recruitment Competitions

This report summarises applications for and appointments from NICS recruitment competitions across various equality categories. Further analysis is presented in the report relating to the various...

British Superbike competition data

British Superbike (BSB) competition entry data collected at individual BSB race meetings. Name, email address, home address, telephone number.Data collection ceased.

Immigration Statistics: extensions of stay

This release replaces the previous annual and quarterly publications Control of Immigration Statistics and the annual British Citizenship, following a public consultation. Each topic now has its...

ID 2007 Young People Not Staying in Education indicator

ID 2007: Education domain: Young People Not Staying in Education Indicator: Proportion of children aged 17+ not staying on in education, either at school or in a Further Education (FE)...

ID 2004 Young People Not Staying in Education indicator

ID 2004: Education domain: Young People Not Staying in Education Indicator: Proportion of children aged 17+ not staying on in education, either at school or in a Further Education (FE)...

Competition Commission Salaries Data @ 31 March 2013

Competition Commission salary data @ 31/03/2013

Seven-day Services Indicators: Length of Stay

Statistics about length of stay in hospital for emergency admissions by day of admission. In July 2015 the Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt, delivered a speech ‘Making healthcare more...

Competition Commission External Spending Data 2013-2014

Competition Commission monthly external expenditure April 2013 to March 2014

Competition Commission External Spending Data 2012-13

Competition Commission external expenditure on a monthly basis from April 2012 to March 2013

Regional competitiveness and State of the Regions

Presents statistical information that illustrated the factors that contributed to regional competitiveness. Source agency: Business, Innovation and Skills Designation: National...

Competition Commission Salaries data as at 30 September 2012

Competition Commission Salaries @ 30/09/2012

FCA: Secondary international competitiveness and growth objective (SICGO) metrics

The Financial Services and Markets Act (FSMA) 2023 introduced new, secondary objectives for the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) to facilitate the...

Cambridge City Car Park Usage Data by Length of Stay

The dataset provided below shows the daily car park usage of the Grand Arcade (GA), Park Street Terrace (PST), Grafton East (GRE), Grafton West (GW) and Queen Anne's Terrace (QAT). The data is...

Competition Statistics

MACC - Annual Statistics from MACC online Application

2016 Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Looe Festival Crabbing Competition

Survey of crabs caught and re-caught during a crabbing competition. The aim was to find out how many crabs are re-caught, using lipstick (make-up) as a temporary marker.

2016 Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Looe Festival Crabbing Competition

Survey of crabs caught and re-caught during a crabbing competition. The aim was to find out how many crabs are re-caught, using lipstick (make-up) as a temporary marker.

People who have had an acute stroke who spend 90% or more of their stay on a stroke unit (CCGOIS 3.9)

Of the people who have had an acute stroke, the percentage that spend 90% or more of their hospital inpatient stay on a stroke unit. Current version updated: Sep-17 Next version due: Sep-18

Entry clearance visas by purpose and length of stay

UK entry clearance visas issued overseas, by purpose and length (excluding visitor and transit visas)

IRC284906 Skills Academy SO Competition External Recruitment Campaign Data

This dataset provides a breakdown of the NICS Skills Academy SO external recruitment campaign by; gender, community background, age, disability, ethnic background, sexual orientation, etc. It also...

IRC284907 Skills Academy DP Competition External Recruitment Campaign Data

This dataset provides a breakdown of the NICS Skills Academy DP external recruitment campaign by; gender, community background, age, disability, ethnic background, sexual orientation, etc. It also...