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Youth Cohort Study

The Youth Cohort Study was a major programme of longitudinal research designed to monitor the behaviour and decisions of representative samples of young people aged sixteen upwards as they make the...

Toxoplasma study database

A database to hold details of cases and controls for the toxoplasma study

Employment Land Study Sites

Employment Land Study Sites, as identified in the Blackpool Employment Land Study (June 2014)

Youth Cohort Study & Longitudinal Study of Young People in England

Statistics based on survey responses to YCS and LSYPE and brings together data about the family environment, attitudes to school, risky behaviours, engagement, attainment and post-16 participation....

Family and Children Study

The Families and Children Study is a longitudinal study collecting information about families with dependent children in Great Britain. The data includes respondent and children files, for each year.

Wind Energy Capacity Study

The council, together with Scottish Natural Heritage have commissioned Consultant Landscape Architects to update the Argyll and Bute Landscape Wind Energy Capacity Study 2012. The study provides...

Mystery Shopper Study: A study of service access for acute STIs in Scotland

A study of service access for acute STIs in Scotland. Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services Scotland) Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...

Peatland ACTION Feasibility study polygons

Distribution of feasibility study projects funded by Peatland ACTION. The dataset shows boundaries on the sites (when the polygon geometry is available). Distribution of Feasibility Study projects...

Peatland ACTION Feasibility study centroids

Distribution of completed Feasibility Study projects sites since 2013. Distribution of completed Feasibility Study projects sites since 2013. Each point represents the centroid of the survey area...

Mystery Shopper Study 2008: A study of service access for acute STIs in Scotland

A study of service access for acute STIs in Scotland Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services Scotland) Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...

Segmentation study anonymised data

Segmentation study final dataset (anonymised). The variables included attitudes to climate change and transport, information on transport behaviour and classification information e.g. age; gender;...


The East Shetland Platform SEEBASE study is an integrated interpretation of public domain and UK NSTA-supplied potential fields datasets, geological maps, plate reconstructions, literature,...

Seabed videos from Hatton Rockall Basin

Seabed videos from a survey to Hatton Rockall Basin NCMPA on the research vessel Scotia (1011S). The aim of the survey was to map seabed habitats and coral reefs using towed video system and...

Seabed videos from East Rockall Bank SAC

Seabed videos from East Rockall Bank SAC (1113S). One objective of this Marine Scotland Science fisheries cruise 1113S was to map the seabed habitats and coral reef using a towed VMUX chariot video...

Decentralised Energy Capacity Study

Data analysis to support the London Decentralised Energy Capacity Study The London Decentralised Energy Capacity Study presents the findings of a regional assessment of the potential for renewable...

Origin of video transects, i.e. location of start of video footage, with habitat characterisation from Bassurelle Sandbank SCI

Origin of video transects, i.e. location of start of video footage, with habitat characterisation from Bassurelle Sandbank SCI (CEND 03/13). ArcGIS point feature class. Video footage was collected...

Total Diet Study (TDS) Analysis

Preparation and analysis of total diet study

Groundwater flooding scoping study data

This is the WMS read-only data file associated with the Groundwater Scoping report part 1 & 2. Part 1:...

Deaths in custody study

The research used completed investigations to gather data on all 333 deaths which occurred between 1998/99 and 2008/09. The study looks at trends in the incidents, and examines a range of themes –...

Video Log data from Hatton Rockall Basin

Video log data from a survey to Hatton Rockall Basin NCMPA on the research vessel Scotia (1011S). The aim of the survey was to map seabed habitats and coral reefs using towed video system and...