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48 results found

Surgical Profiles Project

The surgical profiles project aims to lead to improvements in patient care by making better use of existing Scotland-wide data sources. The surgical profile comprises clinical indicators about the...

Surgical Site Infection

Surgical Site Infection

Masked mycotoxins

Determination of masked Fusarium mycotoxins in cereals and cereal-based food

Surgical Profiles for Scottish NHS Boards

Report describing second cycle of surgical profiles project, including summary of how NHS Boards are using the data in the profile to support improvements in patient care. This is accompanied by...


Green Infrastructure in Cheshire East. The file contains a mask for Economic Priority Areas


Green Infrastructure in Cheshire East. The file contains a mask for Environment Priority Areas


Green Infrastructure in Cheshire East. The file contains a mask for Connectivity Priority Areas.

HPI: Health care resourcing for medical, surgical and psychiatric specialties

Health Poverty Index - Situation of Health: Health care resourcing: Net health care expenditure (inpatient and outpatients) per capita for medical, surgical and psychiatric specialties Source:...


Green Infrastructure in Cheshire East. The file contains a mask for life chances priority areas

Camden Borough Boundary Mask

This dataset is a polygon of the UK with the Camden borough boundary removed - this is usually used in map visualisations to identify the borough boundary.

Scottish Audit of Surgical Mortality Annual Report

Update on the peer review audit of deaths under the care of a surgeon in Scotland. Due to system problems with the new electronic data collection (eSASM), individual case review has not been able...


Green Infrastructure in Cheshire East. The file contains OS MasterMap features catagorised into green infrastructure typologies, and an assessment of the functionality of the feature.

WMS of spatial masks for calcareous, coastal, upland and lowland heath landscapes in England

This web map service displays existing and potential areas of habitats associated with calcareous, coastal, upland and lowland heath landscapes. The dataset was initially created to provide a...

Spatial masks for calcareous, coastal, upland and lowland heath landscapes in England [Key Habitats 1992-93]

This dataset contains existing and potential areas of habitats associated with calcareous, coastal, upland and lowland heath landscapes. The dataset was initially created to provide a sampling...

Working with Natural Processes (WWNP) in Wales: Woodland Constraints

This dataset comprises a range of land cover types where the woodland potential layers have been masked, owing to existing woodland, watercourses, peat, roads, rail and urban areas. Other...

River channel migration and characteristics from 1988 to 2019 at 74 bridges in the Philippines

The data set contains the Philippines bridge inventory, river migration geodatabase and source code to assess active river channel change (i.e. planform adjustments) using Landsat 5, 7 and 8...

Dynamic X-ray micro-tomography Imaging of reaction of CO2-acidified brine with limestone at reservoir conditions

This dataset contains 10 three dimensional x-ray tomographic images of CO2-acidified brine reacting with Ketton limestone at a voxel size of 3.8 microns. It includes the unreconstructed projections...

Population of wild birds (England): 1970-2010

An updated version of this dataset is available at: Overall breeding bird populations in England have changed little compared with 40...

Quarterly Iraq and Afghanistan Amputation Statistics

This quarterly report provides statistical information on the number of Armed Forces personnel who as a result of an injury sustained whilst deployed on Operations in Iraq or Afghanistan have...

Woody habitat corridor data in South West England

This dataset contains polylines depicting non-woodland linear tree and shrub features in Cornwall and much of Devon, derived from lidar data collected by the Tellus South West project. Data from a...