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976 results found

Jobs Growth

Business growth and employment growth (2003-2007), by SOA.


Growth areas captured as regions using Ordnance Survey MasterMap; attribution includes core strategy, development and site allocation policies from the 2010 Local Development Framework. The data is...



Sustainable fisheries

Sustainable fisheries

Camden Industrial Growth Sector Analysis LATEST

Camden's designated industrial growth sectors: analysis of Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES) estimates of employment by industrial sector. Time series and latest estimates. An...

Sustainable Tourism

This report from the ONS Tourism Intelligence Unit details recent work undertaken that has been concerned with a review and appraisal of sustainable tourism indicators. This review has drawn on a...

Camden Population Growth 2016

This factsheet focuses on future population growth and changes in demographics, with data from the 2014 GLA population projections ‘Camden Development (capped average household size)’....

CS25 South Blackpool Housing Growth

CS25 South Blackpool Housing Growth, as defined in the Blackpool Local Plan 2012/2027

Sustainable Development Indicators

The Sustainable Development Indicators are now being published by the ONS Launch of a consultation on a new set of sustainable development indicators Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural...

Regional Sustainable Development Indicators

The indicators highlight issues within the priority areas of Sustainable Consumption and Production, Natural Resources, and Sustainable Communities. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural...

Camden Industrial Growth Sector Analysis Maps LATEST

Camden's designated industry growth sectors mapped. Latest data from the Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES), mapped by Lower-layer Super Output Area (LSOA). See accompanying file...

Scarborough Borough Council Strategic Growth Areas

Extents of Strategic Growth Areas in the Borough of Scarborough as polygons. Subject to Ordnance Survey Licensing. See...

BIS economics paper no. 9: economic growth

Underlying data from the publication BIS Economics Paper no 9: Economic Growth [URN 10/1213]

Pike growth data 1944-1995

This dataset consists of growth (length) data on Pike (Esox lucius) from net sampling in Windermere. Data collection began in 1944. The data were initially collected by the Freshwater Biological...

Sustainable Urban Extensions (2023)

Polygon dataset showing Sustainable Urban Extensions.

Sustainable construction in practice

Leeds City Council worked with the University of Leeds to update the case studies in its sustainable design & construction document [Building for Tomorrow...

Sustainable Development Indicators

These indicators provide an overview of progress toward a sustainable economy, society and environment. Published alongside the headline and supplementary indicators are assessments of change, both...

FCA: Secondary international competitiveness and growth objective (SICGO) metrics

The Financial Services and Markets Act (FSMA) 2023 introduced new, secondary objectives for the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) to facilitate the...

Sustainable Development Stakeholder contact database

Sustainable Development Stakeholder contact database

Foreign & Commonwealth Office Sustainability Report

This Report gives details of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office's Annual Sustainability information.