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161 results found

Rail finance

Investment made by private companies into the rail industry Source agency: Office for Rail Regulation Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Rail finance

Rail fares

The rail fares price index provides a measure of the change in the prices charged by train operating companies to rail passengers. Source agency: Office of Rail and Road Designation: National...

Rail Fares

Rail Fares

Passenger rail usage

Shows passenger rail usage within Great Britain. This shows the number of journeys undertaken, the KM travelled and revenue made by train operators. Source agency: Office of Rail and...


bus_rail_interchange Bus and Rail Interchanges is a polygon dataset which indicates the location of Bus and Rail Interchanges within the Tendring District. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you...

Rail Safeguarding Area

Rail Safeguarding Area

Rail Health and safety

Source agency: Office of Rail and Road Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Rail Safety and Health key statistics

Rail Warrants Database

Name of staff and war disablement pensioners issued with rail warrants.

Rail stakeholder database

Names and addresses of approx 1400 bodies connected with the rail industry.

Rail Stations

Point layer recording the site of the National rail stations serving the City including those outside the City boundary. This dataset was created to make mapping of these features easier. • Name –...

National Rail Travel Survey (NRTS)

Rail Service Analysis (RSA). The National Rail Travel Survey (NRTS) collected data on a sample of rail journeys. Data items include origin & destination addresses, rail stations used, reason...

Cartographic Rail Detail

A cartographic representation of a Railway Rail or Railway Buffer (part of the remaining cartographic legacy of our data products).

National Rail Travel Survey

Report on a survey of passenger trips on the national rail system in Great Britain on weekdays, outside school holidays. Source agency: Transport Designation: Official Statistics not designated...

Historical rail passenger demand data

Rail Service Analysis - Historic Rail Passenger Demand Data derived from LENNON/CAPRI

Business Travel - Rail - Cost (£)

Business Travel - Rail - Cost (£)

Rail Commercial Emergency Manual

Emergency Manual for Rail Commercial

Light Rail Statistics

This release presents statistics on the income/expenditure of light rail operators. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Public...

National Rail Trends (NRT) data

Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) supply privileged pre-release access to statistics for National Rail trends (NRT) publications

National Rail Enquiry Service

The National Rail Enquiry Service (NRES) provides information, primarily on train times and fares. It covers enquiries made through the telephone service, as well as self-service channels such as...

Light Rail and Tram Statistics

Publication presenting statistics on light rail and trams. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Light Rail and Tram Statistics