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236 results found

Traditional Orchard HAP

This is a spatial dataset that describes the geographic extent and location of the UK Biodiversity Action Plan traditional orchard priority habitat in England. For the purpose of the inventory,...

Traditional Orchards

This is a spatial dataset contain the location of Traditional Orchards sites around Wales. Traditional orchards are listed as a UK BAP priority habitats, which are those habitats that were...

Habitat Networks (England) - Traditional Orchards

This is the record for Traditional Orchards which forms a part of the Habitat Networks (Individual) (England) dataset (link below). The habitat network maps seek to apply the best evidence and...

Traditional Orchards HAP (provisional) (England)

This spatial dataset describes the geographic extent and location of the UK Biodiversity Action Plan traditional orchard priority habitat in England. The data is provided as "provisional" because...

Cervical screening programme

Information about the cervical screening programme in England including data about the call and re-call system, screening samples examined by pathology labs and referrals to coloposcopy and...


Spatial layer of flood risk structures. Attribute of screen.

Cervical screening programme

This report presents information about the NHS Cervical Screening Programme in England in and includes data on the call and recall system, on screening samples examined by pathology laboratories...

Cervical Screening Programme, England

This bulletin presents information about the NHS Cervical Screening Programme in England in 2010-11 and includes data about the call and re-call system, screening samples examined by pathology labs...

Air passenger experience of security screening

Results from the module of the CAA air passenger survey giving their experiences. Source agency: Transport Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

Breast Screening Programme, England

Women between the ages of 50 and 70 are invited for regular breast screening (every three years) under a national programme. Screening is intended to detect breast cancer at an early stage when...

Police breath alcohol screening test results

Results of breath alcohol screening tests collected by police using new digital meters funded by DfT. Data includes information about breath alcohol levels, reason for test, age, gender and time of...

Newborn bloodspot screening - coverage

Newborn bloodspot screening - coverage *This indicator has been discontinued

Newborn hearing screening - coverage

Newborn hearing screening - coverage

Cervical Screening Statistics

Cervical Screening Statistics Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services Scotland) Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Cervical Screening...

Screening Population Index

Provides demographics of annual cohort of men for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening and any updates

Breast Screening Data

Breast Screening Data

PHE Screening: The frequency of colonoscopies and screen detected cancer identified by financial year and screening centre in London (2016-2019)

PHE Screening (2019). The frequency of colonoscopies and screen detected cancer identified by financial year and screening centre in London (2016-2019) [Dataset]. Public Health England....

Summary provisional statistics on breath alcohol screening tests England and Wales

The bulletin provides some provisional analysis based on the results of breath alcohol tests administered by police in 2009 at the roadside using recently introduced new digital breath testing...


Boundaries for the three traditional countries which make up Great Britain, namely England, Scotland, and Wales.

Cancer screening coverage - breast cancer (% eligible women screened adequately within previous 3 years)

Cancer screening coverage - breast cancer (% eligible women screened adequately within previous 3 years)