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14 results found

Rochford Yacht Clubs

This dataset shows the location of Woodland within the Rochford District. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence –...

Visiting Yacht Moorings - Orkney Islands

Visiting Yacht Moorings (VYM) are deployed by Orkney Islands Council. They are seasonal and only deployed approximately May-October. Note: some VYMs may also be included in the Clyde Cruising Club...

List of domain names

The UK Government manages the domain name registry in order to signify digital services that are part of the administration of the state, so that they can be identified as authoritative and...


yacht_moorings Polygon dataset indicating geographic location of designated Yacht Moorings for Harwich. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the...

Species point records from 1988 MNCR minor south-coast inlets in England survey

The survey area was on the south coast of Britain, and was divided into four sections:- 1. the harbour and estuary at Yarmouth, at the western end of the Isle of Wight, 2. sections of the shore at...

Habitat point records from 1988 MNCR minor south-coast inlets in England survey

The survey area was on the south coast of Britain, and was divided into four sections:- 1. the harbour and estuary at Yarmouth, at the western end of the Isle of Wight, 2. sections of the shore at...

Species point records from 1986 OPRU HRE Solent survey

The Solent system is situated midway along the English channel on the Hampshire and Sussex coasts, and is bounded on its southern side by the Isle of Wight. It includes the Eastern and Western arms...

Habitat point records from 1986 OPRU HRE Solent survey

The Solent system is situated midway along the English channel on the Hampshire and Sussex coasts, and is bounded on its southern side by the Isle of Wight. It includes the Eastern and Western arms...

Species point records from 1989 UMBSM south Argyll and west Kintyre sealochs survey

Six mainland lochs south of Oban were surveyed during 1989 as part of the survey of Scottish sealochs. Loch Feochan, the most northerly, opens into the Firth of Lorne and is protected from the west...

Habitat point records from 1989 UMBSM south Argyll and west Kintyre sealochs survey

Six mainland lochs south of Oban were surveyed during 1989 as part of the survey of Scottish sealochs. Loch Feochan, the most northerly, opens into the Firth of Lorne and is protected from the west...

Species point records from 1987 OPRU HRE Newtown and Bembridge Harbours survey

Newtown Harbour is situated on the north coast of the Isle of Wight and opens into the western arm of the Solent. It is a naturally formed inlet with a number of dendritic channels meeting near the...

Habitat point records from 1987 OPRU HRE Newtown and Bembridge Harbours survey

Newtown Harbour is situated on the north coast of the Isle of Wight and opens into the western arm of the Solent. It is a naturally formed inlet with a number of dendritic channels meeting near the...

2006 EMU Ltd, Portland Harbour Dorset, Benthic Invertebrate and Sediment Survey

The Yacht Havens Group Ltd (YHG Ltd), along with their consultants, Cascade Consulting of Manchester, commissioned EMU Ltd to undertake an environmental survey that was compatible with an original...

2006 EMU Ltd, Portland Harbour Dorset, Benthic Invertebrate and Sediment Survey

The Yacht Havens Group Ltd (YHG Ltd), along with their consultants, Cascade Consulting of Manchester, commissioned EMU Ltd to undertake an environmental survey that was compatible with an original...