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E-Cigarettes - Public Health Position Statement - Sept19

This statement is a review of the 2016 Camden and Islington Public Health position statement, in line with the new evidence reported by PHE. This updated statement is endorsed by the Breathe Stop...

Adult smoking habits in the UK: 2018

Cigarette smoking among adults including the proportion of people who smoke, their demographic breakdowns, changes over time, and e-cigarettes.

Quantification of selected antimicrobial resistance genes in pig faeces on a British commercial pig farm during a typical production cycle

The data presented are quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) read outs from antimicrobial resistance gene (AMRG) assays and associated metadata from this project. In this dataset, the mean...


The amount of illicit goods (cigarettes, alcohol etc) seized. Updated: monthly.


The amount of illicit goods (cigarettes, alcohol etc) seized. Updated: monthly.

Tobacco Duties Statistical Bulletin

Monthly statistics on clearances of cigarettes & tobacco products and duty receipts for the UK. Source agency: HM Revenue and Customs Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Tobacco Bulletin

Monthly statistics on clearances of cigarettes & tobacco products and duty receipts for the UK. Previously listed under 'Tobacco Duties Statistical Bulletin'. Source agency: HM Revenue and...

NI 123 - 16+ current smoking rate prevalence

This indicator relates to clients receiving support through the NHS Stop Smoking Services. A client is counted as a self-reported 4-week quitter if they have been assessed 4 weeks after the...

NI 123 - 16+ current smoking rate prevalence

This indicator relates to clients receiving support through the NHS Stop Smoking Services. A client is counted as a self-reported 4-week quitter if they have been assessed 4 weeks after the...

Environmental Enforcement Fixed Penalty Notices

The data set contains details of all environmental enforcement Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) that have been issued in the London Borough of Barnet since Feb 2019 - date under the Kingdom Services...

Built Address

The Built Address Feature Type represents local authority addresses that are currently built and live and can typically receive mail, deliveries, or services. For example, homes, shops, schools and...

Risk Support System database

Risk and Intelligence Service database which holds a list of the risked based enquiries and cases to be worked by compliance officers (typically in Local Compliance). Updated: ad hoc. Data...

Risk Support System database

Risk and Intelligence Service database which holds a list of the risked based enquiries and cases to be worked by compliance officers (typically in Local Compliance). Updated: ad hoc. Data...

Geomagnetic Observatory Year Books.

Collection of annual publications from the global network of magnetic observatories. They typically contain tabulations of hourly, monthly and annual mean values of the geomagnetic elements....

Modelling data for assessing potential of available minerals and reactor schemes (NERC Grant NE/P01982X/1)

The data set contains two separate items: (1) Global carbon dioxide removal potential of mine tailings, which includes (a) List of selected silicate-hosted mine tailings (classified by their...

National Curriculum Assessments at Key Stage 1 in England

Provides information on the achievements of eligible pupils (typically 7 year olds) in the National Curriculum assessments at Key Stage 1 (KS1). Source agency: Education Designation: National...

Local Centres

The location of local retail centres within Nottingham City. These include a range of small shops of a local nature, serving a small catchment. Typically, local centres might include, amongst...

DC2 Modern Mean High Water Spring

Mean High Water Springs tide line extracted from high resolution Digital Elevation Models, typically derived from airborne LiDAR datasets. Date of survey varies spatially, query line for source...

Landform Point

Feature which has a point geometry and represents an area of the Earth's surface with a distinct physical morphology that is too small to capture as a Landform feature but is considered to be of...

Identicom Lone Worker Safety User Data

EA employees who work alone on site use a system called Identicom to ensure their safety by keeping track of their location. This is a typical year of data that provides system usage, false alarms...