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Quantification of selected antimicrobial resistance genes in pig faeces on a British commercial pig farm during a typical production cycle

The data presented are quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) read outs from antimicrobial resistance gene (AMRG) assays and associated metadata from this project. In this dataset, the mean...

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCW00497

Survey name: Woodcote, PAVE LANE Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for individual sites surveyed in detail between...

London Office of Data Analytics

The GLA and Nesta are working together to run a pilot to demonstrate that performing data analytics on datasets sourced from multiple local authorities and public sector bodies can help reform...

Article 4 Direction - Ipswich Borough Council

The Article 4 Directions in Ipswich are applied within the boundaries of existing conservation areas and enhance the protection offered by the conservation area designations. In most instances they...

Limestone Pavement Orders - Craven District Council

Limestone pavements are outcrops of limestone where the surface has been worn away by natural means over millennia. These rocks have the appearance of paving blocks, hence their name. Not only do...

Limestone Pavement Orders

This is a spatial dataset that describes the geographic extent and location of areas that are listed under Limestone Pavement Orders. Limestone pavements are outcrops of limestone where the surface...

Built Address

The Built Address Feature Type represents local authority addresses that are currently built and live and can typically receive mail, deliveries, or services. For example, homes, shops, schools and...

Risk Support System database

Risk and Intelligence Service database which holds a list of the risked based enquiries and cases to be worked by compliance officers (typically in Local Compliance). Updated: ad hoc. Data...

Risk Support System database

Risk and Intelligence Service database which holds a list of the risked based enquiries and cases to be worked by compliance officers (typically in Local Compliance). Updated: ad hoc. Data...

Landform Point

Feature which has a point geometry and represents an area of the Earth's surface with a distinct physical morphology that is too small to capture as a Landform feature but is considered to be of...

Landform Line

Feature which has a line geometry and represents the alignment of either the higher limit, or the side or lower limit of areas with a distinct physical morphology, typically where there is a...

Non Addressable Object

The Non-Addressable Object Feature Type represents local authority and Ordnance Survey captured features that are currently live but are objects that would not be expected to be able to receive...


Restriction includes turn restrictions, restriction for vehicles, and access restrictions. Turn restrictions are a restriction based upon a vehicle manoeuvre. This type of restriction includes...

EWCO - Flood Risk Management

Spatial data supporting appropriately located and designed woodland creation to help reduce flood risk by slowing flood flows and increasing the retention and infiltration of water on the...

National Curriculum Assessments at Key Stage 1 in England

Provides information on the achievements of eligible pupils (typically 7 year olds) in the National Curriculum assessments at Key Stage 1 (KS1). Source agency: Education Designation: National...

UK Ward Canopy Cover

This dataset is the output from the UK canopy cover webmap project, which aimed to assess the percentage tree canopy cover in every ward in the UK. Forest Research delivered the project with...

National Curriculum Assessments at Key Stage 2 in England

Provides provisional information on the achievements of eligible pupils (typically 11 year olds) in the National Curriculum assessments at Key Stage 2 and 3 (KS2 and KS3). At KS2, assessments are...

English Woodland Grant Scheme Sub Compartments

The English Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) was launched in 2005 and offered 6 grants for the creation and stewardship of woodlands. This dataset contains the sub-compartments that make up the EWGS...

National Curriculum Assessments at Key Stage 3 in England

Provides information at national level on the achievements of eligible pupils (typically 14 year olds) in the National Curriculum assessments at Key Stage 3 (KS3). This is the last year of formal...

Rankings of trading estates as to water quality risks from runoff

Large catalog/data-sets of trading estate runoff giving a general picture of trading estate runoff and additional insight into the risk it poses. Summary statistics were calculated for the runoff...