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1,413 results found

Defra Publications – unique reference numbers

Defra produces a range of publications which are available on the GOV.UK website. Each publication is given a unique reference number (URN) which is known internally as a PB number. This dataset...

Number of unique users on – (where cookies consented)

Number of unique users on – (where cookies consented)

Environmental Pollution Incidents (Category 1 and 2)

Environmental Pollution Incident data filtered for Categories 1 and 2. Details of environmental incidents within the remit of the Environment Agency are held on the National Incident Recording...

Pupil attainment at Key Stage 3 by ACORN category

Percentage of pupils achieving level 5 or above in Key Stage 3 tests by ACORN category of pupil residency Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher: Department for Children...

NE of Farnes Deeps (Formerly Rock Unique) Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) Survey Data

One surveys of Rock Unique (now NE of Farne Deeps) rMCZ site have been completed to date (Apr 2015): Cruise: Cefas_cend0412 Date: 7th March - 9th March 2012 Data collected: MB Bathymetry...

NE of Farnes Deeps (Formerly Rock Unique) Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) Survey Infauna Data - 2012

Counts and presence/absence of species of macrofauna identified from 46 grab samples collected at NE of Farnes Deeps (Formerly Rock Unique) Marine Conservation Zone between the 7th and 9th March...

Crown Prosecution Service case outcomes by principal offence category - May 2011

Monthly publication of criminal case outcomes in the magistrates' courts and in the Crown Court by principal offence category and by CPS Area

Crown Prosecution Service case outcomes by principal offence category - November 2011

Monthly publication of criminal case outcomes in the magistrates' courts and in the Crown Court by principal offence category and by CPS Area

Crown Prosecution Service case outcomes by principal offence category - October 2011

Monthly publication of criminal case outcomes in the magistrates' courts and in the Crown Court by principal offence category and by CPS Area

Crown Prosecution Service case outcomes by principal offence category - September 2011

Monthly publication of criminal case outcomes in the magistrates' courts and in the Crown Court by principal offence category and by CPS Area

Crown Prosecution Service case outcomes by principal offence category - July 2011

Monthly publication of criminal case outcomes in the magistrates' courts and in the Crown Court by principal offence category and by CPS Area

Crown Prosecution Service case outcomes by principal offence category - December 2010

Monthly publication of criminal case outcomes in the magistrates' courts and in the Crown Court by principal offence category and by CPS Area

Crown Prosecution Service case outcomes by principal offence category - August 2011

Monthly publication of criminal case outcomes in the magistrates' courts and in the Crown Court by principal offence category and by CPS Area

Crown Prosecution Service case outcomes by principal offence category - June 2011

Monthly publication of criminal case outcomes in the magistrates' courts and in the Crown Court by principal offence category and by CPS Area

Crown Prosecution Service case outcomes by principal offence category - March 2011

Monthly publication of criminal case outcomes in the magistrates' courts and in the Crown Court by principal offence category and by CPS Area

Crown Prosecution Service case outcomes by principal offence category - October 2010

Monthly publication of criminal case outcomes in the magistrates' courts and in the Crown Court by principal offence category and by CPS Area

Crown Prosecution Service case outcomes by principal offence category - January 2011

Monthly publication of criminal case outcomes in the magistrates' courts and in the Crown Court by principal offence category and by CPS Area

Crown Prosecution Service case outcomes by principal offence category - April 2011

Monthly publication of criminal case outcomes in the magistrates' courts and in the Crown Court by principal offence category and by CPS Area

Crown Prosecution Service case outcomes by principal offence category - November 2010

Monthly publication of criminal case outcomes in the magistrates' courts and in the Crown Court by principal offence category and by CPS Area

Crown Prosecution Service case outcomes by principal offence category - February 2012

Monthly publication of criminal case outcomes in the magistrates' courts and in the Crown Court by principal offence category and by CPS Area, February 2012