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File of sequence data generated from Cowslip (Primula veris) for use in microsatellite discovery

This is the sequence data generated during the development of microsatellite markers for Cowslip. Additional resource: Charlotte Bickler, Stuart A’Hara, Joan Cottrell, Lucy Rogers & Jon Bridle...

Population Estimates of the Very Elderly

Population of the very elderly (including centenarians) by gender, single year of age (90 to 104) and by age groups (90-99, 100+ and 105+) for the UK and England & Wales. Source agency: Office...

Population Estimates of the very elderly (experimental)

Population of the very elderly (including centenarians) by gender, single year of age (90 to 104) and by age groups (90-99, 100+ and 105+) for England & Wales. Source agency: Office for...

Estimates of the Very Old (including centenarians)

Estimates of those aged 90 and over (including centenarians) by gender, single year of age (90-104) and by age groups (90-99), 100+ and 105+ for the UK, England and Wales (as a whole), Scotland and...

Best Value Performance Indicator data

2007/08 was the last statutory period of collection and reporting of the Best Value Performance Indicators.

Best Value Performance Indicators for the Fire and Rescue Service

Best value performance indicators (BVPI) for the fire and rescue services in England. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Local Development Plan: Development Management Zones (Very Sensitive Area) - Argyll and Bute

A Development Management Zone which, as designated in the Argyll and Bute adopted Local Development Plan 2015, comprises countryside and isolated coast which has extremely limited capacity to...

Very high resolution derived biomass estimates in the Corridor Ankeniheny-Zahamena (CAZ), Madagascar

The products represent biomass estimates for four areas of interest in the Corridor Ankeniheny Zahamena (CAZ), Madagascar, generated using very high resolution imagery and based on field-collected...

Very high resolution derived land cover/use classifications for the Corridor Ankeniheny-Zahamena (CAZ), Madagascar

The products capture current land use/cover for four areas of interest in Corridor Ankeniheny Zahamena (CAZ) generated based on very high resolution imagery (SPOT 6). Field-based training and...

Landform Line

Feature which has a line geometry and represents the alignment of either the higher limit, or the side or lower limit of areas with a distinct physical morphology, typically where there is a...

OS Mastermap Highways Network - Paths

OS MasterMap® Highways Network – Paths is the most accurate and authoritative path network dataset for Great Britain. It reveals who's responsible for all the footpaths through towns and...

National statistics review of tax credit statistics: results

Following the recent national statistics review of tax credit statistics a summary of responses have been published on the HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) website. There were almost 140...

NI 160 - Local authority tenants satisfaction with landlord services

The percentage of local authority tenants who say that they are Very satisfied or Fairly satisfied with the overall service provided by their landlord.

OS Detailed Path Network

OS Detailed Path Network is a fully-connected, heighted path network covering Britain’s National Parks. Create off-road navigation apps, build exciting navigation websites and apps that help your...

National Archives Staff Engagement

The Civil Service People Survey involves organisations from across the civil service. A key element of the survey is the 'Employee Engagement Index'. This is a measure of how engaged employees are...

Review of posts with access to sensitive material

A list of all staff with the need for security / developed vetting (DV) clearance. Sensitive information, very important to BIS but no monetary value

DCLG Data4NR: Concern about anti-social behaviour

Proportion of people who consider various forms of anti-social behaviour as defined by target, a 'very' or 'fairly big' problem. Data4NR reference.

Premises licences

These are licences issued to premises which sell alcohol, provide regulated entertainment, or serve hot food after 11pm (e.g. pubs, bars, takeaways, supermarkets and hotels). The best way to work...

Countryside Stewardship Scoring Woodland Improvement England 2016/2017

This dataset was used for scoring Higher Tier Countryside Stewardship applications for Woodland Improvement in England for 2016/17. Countryside Stewardship (CS) was launched in 2015 and is a Rural...

Countryside Stewardship Scoring Woodland Priority Habitat Network England 2016/2017

This dataset was used for scoring Higher Tier Countryside Stewardship applications for Woodland Creation in England for 2016/17 where points were available for Biodiversity objectives....