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The Veterans Db is an application designed and developed by UKSCG G6 for use by J1 to register Military Veterans living in Germany and surrounding countries.

DNPA Veteran Trees

All veteran tree information has been recorded by DNPA in 2004/5. A Veteran tree or legacy tree is a tree which, because of its great age, size or condition is of exceptional cultural, landscape or...

Veterans World Distribution Database

Details of recipients of Veterans World magazine

Veterans Lapel Badge Database

Details of applications for a Veterans Lapel Badge

Futures - Veterans Agency Generate A Doc

Details of case enquiries veterans information

UK Gulf Veterans Mortality Data: Causes of Death

Causes of deaths among veterans of the 1990/1991 Gulf Conflict Source agency: Defence Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Gulf Veterans: Causes of Death

Parliamentary Business Database Archive (Veterans Services)

Veterans Services Archive of details of ministerial, official and Freedom of Information correspondence. External person name, SPVA case officer and remarks.

2021 Census Topic Summary Armed Forces Veterans

2nd tranche of 2021 Census 'Topic Summary' tables: Armed Forces Veterans. These are a set of univariate tables for the topic that provide date for Camden and sub areas (where available) and provide...

WFD Cycle 2 expert judgement water body classification

This dataset is a subset of "WFD Classification Status Cycle 2" dataset. We use professional Expert Judgement (EJ) assessments to derive classifications for water bodies where we have no...

Expert Domain Database

Customer level details of cases received from Creditors/Local Offices Location: GB wide data Time Period: Under review Update frequency: Updated Daily Financial Information: Included Data: Customer...

Zoos Expert Committee data

Information about individual past and present members of the Zoos Forum - the Government’s independent advisory body on zoos matters.

ENPA Veteran Tree

In order to get a better picture of where our ancient trees are, Exmoor National Park Authority have undertaken to locate and identify its ancient trees, including the 2006/7 Ancient Tree Hunt,...

Record of expert inputs shaping future city discourses for Urban Living Birmingham

The dataset consists of the transcripts of expert inputs considering how the conceptual thinking for both ‘smart’ and ‘natural or biophilic’ cities could combine to inform future urban discourses...

Hodgkin's Expert Advice Tool (HEAT)

System which records call logs, hardware inventory and internal customer contact profiles

Census 2021 - LLR veterans

The census is undertaken by the Office for National Statistics every 10 years and gives us a picture of all the people and households in England and Wales. The most recent census took place in...

Veterans Services Asset Register Database

Details of former information assets

Expert consultation and Epidemiological study results for fish parasites Ceratothoa oestroides, Enteromixum leei and Sparicotyle chrysophrii

This dataset comprises the results of an expert consultation and epidemiological study conducted by Cefas and partners, as part of the Parafish Control project. The data were collected in order...

Trade Control & Expert System – Products of Animal Origin

High-risk products of animal origin imported into the United Kingdom via approved designated ports.

Inventory of impacts of seven invasive alien species in Chile, Brazil, and Argentina. Results of an expert elicitation exercise

This dataset contain inventories of the impacts of invasive alien species (IAS) in Brazil, Chile, and Argentina. These include seven case studies: pines (Pinus contorta) in the Araucanía and Aysén...

Trade Control & Expert System – Food of Non-Animal Origin

High-risk food of non-animal origin imported into the United Kingdom via approved designated ports.