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Waiting Times and Waiting Lists

Waiting Times and Waiting Lists. Prior to February 2010, "Diagnostic Test Waiting Times" and "Accident and Emergency Waiting Times" were published under this title but from this date onwards they...

Housing waiting list

Data showing the number of households on the housing waiting list in Plymouth

Northern Ireland Waiting Lists

This quarterly statistical release gives details of the number of people waiting for either a first outpatient assessment, a selected diagnostic service or inpatient treatment at hospitals in...

Numbers of households on local authorities' waiting lists

Rents, lettings and tenancies: numbers of households on local authorities' housing waiting lists1, by district: England 1997-2012

Number of households on local authorities' housing waiting lists

Rents, lettings and tenancies: numbers of households on local authorities' housing waiting lists by district: England 1997-2012

Households on local authorities' housing waiting lists: Excluding households waiting for transfers

Total households on the waiting list for social rented housing. Data excludes households already in social rented housing looking to be transferred to other social housing Source: Communities and...

Hospital Waiting Times

Summary of waiting times and waiting lists in the acute sector of NHS Scotland. Information will be included regarding future waiting time targets. Data released quarterly. Prior to May 2011 this...

Number of active applicants who are registered with CYC (Waiting List) - (Snapshot)

Number of active applicants who are registered with CYC (Waiting List) - (Snapshot)

Diagnostic Test Waiting Times

Measurement of Current Key Diagnostics Test. Prior to February 2010 this publication was released as part of the "Waiting Times and Waiting Lists" publication. As from July 2010 these statistics...

NHS Scotland Waiting Times

Update of Waiting Times Statistics • Quarterly waiting times statistics for the 18 weeks Referral to Treatment standard. • Stage of treatment - Summary of waiting times and waiting lists in the...

Accident and Emergency Waiting Times

Total attendances and attendances less than 4 hours. Prior to February 2010 this publication was released as part of the "Waiting Times and Waiting Lists" publication. As from July 2010 these...

NHS Inpatient and Outpatient Waiting Times, England

Waiting times or waiting list statistics. Source agency: Health Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: NHS Inpatient and Outpatient Waiting Times, England

Cancer Waiting Times

Annual Cancer Waiting Times statistics for urgently-referred patients by tumour site and NHS board, for Acute Leukaemia and Paediatric cancers. To remain relevant to the changing set of targets,...

Audiology Waiting Times

Information on the number of patients waiting and seen for Audiology services at month end. From November 2011 release this publication will be renamed NHS Scotland Waiting Times. Source agency:...

Waiting Restrictions LINEFILE

waiting restrictions

Diagnostic Waiting Times

Details information on the number of patients waiting, and length of time waiting, for diagnostic services, as well as diagnostic reporting turnaround times at Health and Social Care (HSC) Trusts...

Inpatient waiting times

Details information on the number of patients waiting, and length of time waiting at the end of each quarter, for Inpatient and Day Case admissions at Health and Social Care (HSC) Trusts in...

Outpatient Waiting Times

Details information on the number of patients waiting, and length of time waiting, for a first appointment at a consultant-led outpatient service and integrated clinical assessment and treatment...

Cancer Waiting Times, Scotland

Statistical release published by the Scottish Government detailing cancer waiting-time statistics for urgently-referred patients by tumour site and NHS board. Source agency: Scottish...

Emergency Care Waiting Times

Details information on the time spent waiting in emergency care departments in Northern Ireland. Emergency care waiting times by type of department is also presented to allow users to compare...