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Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Parking spaces and account 2019/20 information

TWBC Open Data - Transparency - Parking spaces and account 2019/20 information

Workforce Management Information

Management information on the number of staff working in Ofgem, including associated paybill costs.

Workforce management information

This workforce management and related information is being published as part of the government's commitment to transparency. These figures are not official statistics. They are internal workforce...

Tunbridge Wells Open Data Layers

Create your own map using layers from the Open Data Site using this mapping application

FSA Information Asset Register

The FSA information asset list shows a collection of different types of information relating to a topic. Recording that they have value so they can be managed together and effectively used, shared...

VAT Information Exchange System

EC Sales Lists data & acquisition data on goods & services (services with effect from 2010)

Workforce Management Information - TSol

Details of the total paybill cost, and numbers of staff by grade for the Attorney General's Office, HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate and the Treasury Solicitor's Department. It gives a...

FSA Workforce Managment Information

Monthly information on staff numbers and paybill costs in the FSA, both payroll and non-payroll including consultants. Split between full-time equivalents (FTE) and headcount and mapped to standard...

Request for information (requisition) data

This dataset shows: * the 500 customers that send the most applications to us * the number and type of applications we receive and complete * how many requests for information we send to...

Unregistered schools management information

Management information on unregistered schools in England, from 1 January 2016 onwards.

Freedom of Information case logs

A list of all Freedom of Information case logs for the Food Standards Agency.

Ofwat workforce management information

Monthly management information on staff numbers and paybill costs in Civil Service departments, their agencies and their executive NDPBs.

ITS Directive Road Safety Information Data - Live Traffic Information from TransportNI

The ITS Directive and UK traffic and lorry parking data - road safety related data from Transport Northern Ireland The UK Department for Transport and the devolved administrations are taking an...

Accident information

Record of details of all accidents on DCLG premises

Accident Information

Record of all accidents on Department for Education premises

Defra response to requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act and the Environmental Information Regulations.

Defra provides information on a wide range of subjects in response to requests for information. The tables in the links below detail all of the requests that are recorded by the Department under...

Child Well-being Index (CWI) 2009: Material well-being domain

The proportion of children experiencing income deprivation. The material well-being index is a comprehensive, non-overlapping count of children living in households in receipt of both in-work and...

Right to Buy informal information on Right to Buy processes

Informal data compiled by officials and provided by local authorities on an ad hoc basis. Captures information on applications, sales, and other Right to Buy processes.

Wells and Consent register (WONS)

Database of well consents and notifications

Child Well-being Index

The Child Well-being Index (CWI) represents the first attempt to create a small area index exclusively for children in England. Unlike the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD), the CWI was...