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5 results found

Special Areas of Conservation (SACs)

This spatial dataset contains digital boundaries of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) in Wales. The EC Habitats and Species Directive came into effect in 1992 with the aim of maintaining a rich...

Species point records from 1989 MNCR Loch Sunart survey

This survey was undertaken to describe the range of habitats and associated communities of species in sublittoral areas of Loch Sunart and Loch Teacuis. Loch Sunart lies between the Ardnamurchan...

Habitat point records from 1989 MNCR Loch Sunart survey

This survey was undertaken to describe the range of habitats and associated communities of species in sublittoral areas of Loch Sunart and Loch Teacuis. Loch Sunart lies between the Ardnamurchan...

2006 Tom Kennedy, Portland Harbour Dorset, Snorkel sightings

Sightings made by Tom Kennedy whilst snorkelling in Portland harbour (2 separate occasions). 1. Snorkel sightings from outfall pipe within 100m of Portland Castle in Portland Harbour. Snorkel...

2006 Tom Kennedy, Portland Harbour Dorset, Snorkel sightings

Sightings made by Tom Kennedy whilst snorkelling in Portland harbour (2 separate occasions). 1. Snorkel sightings from outfall pipe within 100m of Portland Castle in Portland Harbour. Snorkel...