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Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCL07992

Survey name: Crook (Wear Valley L.P.) Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data - scanned original paper maps and survey reports for individual sites surveyed in detail...

TWBC Open Data - Listed Buildings

There are around 3000 Listed Buildings designated by Heritage England, in Tunbridge Wells BoroughExplore more about Listed Buildings in Tunbridge Wells (opens a new window)

NSTA Field Production Points, PPRS (WGS84)

Contains recent and historic production data for Oil Tanker to Loader, Dry Gas Fields, Oil Field Exporting to Pipeline, and Onshore Oil Field unit types.PON 7 and petroleum reporting is handled...

Development Control Orders- Article 4 Land

Merthyr Tydfil Article 4 Area. An article 4 direction enables local planning authorities to remove permitted development rights from properties. They commonly include removing the right to change...

Land (Register of Surplus Land)

This land dataset includes land parcel boundaries for e-PIMS records marked on the Register. This may be extended to other land records in the future. Currently it provides information on the...

Register of Surplus Land

*** THIS DATA IS UPDATED DAILY *** The Register provides information on the availability of surplus land for those government departments and their sponsored bodies which fall under the...

Areas with Permitted Development Rights revoked

Article 4 Directions mean that certain Permitted Development (PD) Rights normally enjoyed by residents have been removed in order that the Council can exercise greater control over how features...

Marine Heatwaves and Cold Spells: Dataset and Methods

Cefas Data Cube Viewer which can be accessed here: ``_ This portal contains Ostia Marine Heatwaves (MHW) and Cold Spells (MCS) dataset between 2020-present. There...

Schools' Condition Backlog

This dataset shows estimated condition backlog by CYC maintained school, 'condition element' (roofs, windows etc), condition grading and priority grading. Condition and priority gradings, which are...

Article 4 Directions (Open Data)

Article 4 DirectionsAn Article 4 direction allows local planning authorities to restrict Permitted Development Rights to control development that otherwise would not need planning permission.The...

NSTA Field Production, PPRS (WGS84)

Contains recent and historic production data for Oil Tanker to Loader, Dry Gas Fields, Oil Field Exporting to Pipeline, and Onshore Oil Field unit types. PON 7 and petroleum reporting is handled...

Brownfield Land Register

The current Register showing the location and area of sites in Colchester Borough meeting the definition of brownfield land set down in the Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register)...

Penalty Charge Notices Issued

Higher level penalty charge notices are a result of non payment within the initial payment window when issued. Further details about the North Essex Parking Partnership and its annual report can be...

Penalty Charge Notices Issued

Higher level penalty charge notices are a result of non payment within the initial payment window when issued. Further details about the North Essex Parking Partnership and its annual report can be...

Article 4 Directions - Aberdeenshire

An Article 4 Direction is a statement made under The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2011. The Direction, made by a local authority and approved...

Article 4 Directions - Scotland

An Article 4 Direction is a statement made under The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2011. The Direction, made by a local authority and approved...

Scotland's wildness - perceived naturalness

One of four component layer of the Scottish map of relative wildness. This layer shows perceived naturalness of the landscape. The dataset is on a scale of 1-256 indicating relative levels of...

Thermal and Alternating Field demagnetisation data from Viesan-age carbonates from the Meathop quarry section, Cumbria sampled in 2018, measured at the University of Lancaster. (NERC Grant NE/P00170X/1)

Thermal and Alternating Field demagnetisation data from Visean-carbonates from Meathop Quarry sampled in 2018. This covers the Martin Limestone Formation. MQ are sample codes sampled and data...

Children in Relative low income households by ward 2021-22

The StatXplore Children in low-income families' local area statistics (CiLIF) provides information on the number of children living in Relative low income by local area across the United...

SDNPA - Article 4 Directions

An Article 4 Direction is a special planning regulation adopted by a Local Planning Authority to provide additional powers of planning control in a particular location. It operates by removing...