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137 results found

Gridded drought indices based on remote sensing data for Europe (2000-2015)

This dataset comprises three gridded drought indicators based on remote sensing data for Europe. The data has a spatial resolution of 0.05 degree and a temporal resolution of 1 month for the period...

Drought indicator time series for European NUTS regions based on remote sensing data (2000-2015)

This dataset consists in a collection of remotely sensed drought indicators time series. The data was extracted from CEH's gridded remotely sensed drought indicators product (Tanguy et al., 2016;...

Feasibility study into Quantum Technology-based Gravity Sensing for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage

This study was carried out jointly by the University of Birmingham and the British Geological Survey. The report addresses the feasibility of using novel quantum-technology-based gravity sensors to...

NERC Airborne Research and Survey Facility (ARSF) Remote Sensing Data

The Airborne Research & Survey Facility (ARSF, formerly Airborne Remote Sensing Facility) is managed by NERC Scientific Services and Programme Management. It provides the UK environmental...

NERC Airborne Research and Survey Facility (ARSF) Remote Sensing Data

The Airborne Research & Survey Facility (ARSF, formerly Airborne Remote Sensing Facility) is managed by NERC Scientific Services and Programme Management. It provides the UK environmental...

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project: CO2 Flow Metering through Multi-Modal Sensing and Statistical Data Fusion

Measurement and monitoring of CO2 flows across the entire CCS chain are essential to ensure accurate accounting of captured CO2 and help prevent leaking during transportation to and from storage...

Baseline seismic monitoring survey for UKGEOS Glasgow geothermal production using Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) and hydrophones

This dataset contains the acquired distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) and hydrophone datasets from a project investigating the usage DAS at the UK Geoenergy Observatory (UKGEOS) research facility...

UKCCSRC Call 2 project poster: CO2 Flow Metering through Multi-Modal Sensing and Statistical Data Fusion, Cardiff Biannual, 10.09.14

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 2 project, CO2 Flow Metering through Multi-Modal Sensing and Statistical Data Fusion, was presented at the Cardiff Biannual, 10.09.14. Grant number: UKCCSRC-C2-218.

UKCCSRC Call 2 project poster: CO2 Flow Metering through Multi-Modal Sensing and Statistical Data Fusion, UKCCSRC Manchester Biannual Meeting, 13.04.2016

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 2 project CO2 Flow Metering through Multi-Modal Sensing and Statistical Data Fusion was presented at the UKCCSRC Manchester Biannual Meeting, 13.04.2016. Grant...

UKCCSRC Call 2 project presentation: CO2 Flow Metering through Multi-Modal Sensing and Statistical Data Fusion, UKCCSRC Edinburgh Biannual Meeting, 15.09.2016

This presentation on the UKCCSRC Call 2 project CO2 Flow Metering through Multi-Modal Sensing and Statistical Data Fusion, was presented at the UKCCSRC Edinburgh Biannual Meeting, 15.09.2016. Grant...

UKCCSRC Call 2 project poster: CO2 Flow Metering through Multi-Modal Sensing and Statistical Data Fusion, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 2 project CO2 Flow Metering through Multi-Modal Sensing and Statistical Data Fusion was presented at the CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16. Grant...

Seabed mapping data from remote sensing and groundtruth samples taken at East of Haig Fras Marine Conservation Zone from 2012 to 2015

Remotely sensed variables and ground truth samples were distributed as part of a seabed mapping exercise. This holding contains the four raster layers provided to all participants for the East of...

Seabed mapping data from remote sensing and groundtruth samples taken at East of Haig Fras Marine Conservation Zone from 2012 to 2015

Remotely sensed variables and ground truth samples were distributed as part of a seabed mapping exercise. This holding contains the four raster layers provided to all participants for the East of...

Predicting marine phytoplankton community size structure from empirical relationships with remotely sensed variables

Abundance and species composition were determined for phytoplankton in 361 water samples collected at 12 sites: five transects from 488N to 508S in the Atlantic Ocean, the Benguela upwelling, the...

Predicting marine phytoplankton community size structure from empirical relationships with remotely sensed variables

Abundance and species composition were determined for phytoplankton in 361 water samples collected at 12 sites: five transects from 488N to 508S in the Atlantic Ocean, the Benguela upwelling, the...

NI 002 - Percentage of people who feel that they belong to their neighbourhood

The indicator aims to measure a sense of belonging to ones neighbourhood and in doing so enables a thriving place in which a fear of difference is replaced by a shared set of values and a shared...

NI 003 - Civic participation in the local area

The indicator aims to measure a sense of belonging to ones neighbourhood and in doing so enables a thriving place in which a fear of difference is replaced by a shared set of values and a shared...

NI 002 - Percentage of people who feel that they belong to their neighbourhood

The indicator aims to measure a sense of belonging to ones neighbourhood and in doing so enables a thriving place in which a fear of difference is replaced by a shared set of values and a shared...

Polygon inventory of 481 landslides mapped along the Arniko Highway, Nepal (NERC Grant NE/L002582/1)

Polygon shapefile including 481 coseismic and climate triggered landslides mapped along the Arniko Highway, Nepal, using a combination of field mapping and remote sensing. All mapped landslides...

GloboLakes: high-resolution global limnology data

This dataset collection holds high-resolution datasets related to in-land water for limnology (study of in-land waters) and remote sensing applications. These were produced by the Department of...