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Severn Estuary SPA Functionally Linked Land Bird Sites

This is a spatial dataset that describes the geographic extent of functionally linked sites, locations and counts (ie.individual records with a unique ID) of Severn Estuary SPA interest...

Severn Estuary SPA Functionally Linked Land Bird Connectivity

This is a spatial dataset that describes the geographic extent of functionally linked sites, locations and counts (ie.individual records with a unique ID) of Severn Estuary SPA interest species...

Govt construction strategy elemental cost data

Elemental Cost data that will allow cost modelling and whole life costs to be measured and monitored

Lead, trace elements and industrial metals data

Annual average concentrations of trace elements at multi-element sites Source: UK National Air Quality Information Archive, Casella Publisher: UK Air Quality Archive Geographies: Site Geographic...

Ecosystem function data from Winklebury Hill, UK, in 2013

This dataset contains nitrate and ammonium concentrations, nitrification and mineralisation rates, particle size and microbial biomass data from soils taken from an experiment based at Winklebury...

Functional traits of tropical forest tree species, Sirsi, Western Ghats, India, 2021

This dataset includes tree eco-physiological traits characterising ranges of functioning of various components of trees. Specifically the dataset includes measurements of thermal limits of...

Public Expenditure Statistical Analysis 2009 - Public sector expenditure by country, region and function

PESA 2009 chapter 9 presents public spending according to the country and region who benefit from the spending. Information is presented in aggregate and by function.

Trace element data from rivers [LOIS]

Discrete data for trace elements for both the dissolved and acid available fractions for thirteen core sites in the Humber catchment over the period 1993 to 1997 and for three sites from the Tweed...

Density Functional Theory Calculations of Rare Earth Systems (NERC Grant NE/M01147X/1)

This data set contains example input and output files from density functional theory calculations of rare earth systems, using the Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package (VASP), The data set it split...

Whether GP Practices Provide Functionality For Patients To View Test Results Electronically

Supplies details of all GP Practices that provide patients the functionality to electronically view their test results online. Purpose To represent the number of GP Practices that provide...

Urban Audit Functional Urban Areas (December 2016) Full Extent Boundaries in the United Kingdom

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Urban Audit Functional Urban Areas, in the United Kingdom, as at December 2016. The boundaries available are: Full resolution - extent of the...

Urban Audit Functional Urban Areas (December 2016) Full Clipped Boundaries in the United Kingdom

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Urban Audit Functional Urban Areas, in the United Kingdom, as at December 2016. The boundaries available are: Full resolution - extent of the...

Urban Audit Functional Urban Areas (December 2016) Generalised Clipped Boundaries in the United Kingdom

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Urban Audit Functional Urban Areas, in the United Kingdom, as at December 2016. The boundaries available are: Full resolution - extent of the...

Whether GP Practices Provide Functionality For Patients To View Detailed Coded Records Electronically

Supplies details of all GP Practices that provide patients the functionality to electronically view their detailed coded records online. Purpose To represent the number of GP Practices that...

WFD Cycle 1 Ecological Element Classification Confidence and Certainty

Water framework directive Cycle 1 element classification confidence and certainty for surface water bodies in England. Attribution statement: © Environment Agency copyright and/or database right...

WFD Cycle 1 Chemical Element Classification Confidence and Certainty

Water framework directive Cycle 1 element classification confidence and certainty for surface water bodies in England. Attribution statement: © Environment Agency copyright and/or database right...

WFD Cycle 2 Chemical Element Classification Confidence and Certainty

Water framework directive Cycle 2 chemical element classification, confidence and certainty for surface water bodies in England Attribution statement: © Environment Agency copyright and/or database...

WFD Cycle 2 Ecological Element Classification Confidence and Certainty

Water framework directive Cycle 2 ecological element classification, confidence and certainty for surface water bodies in England. Attribution statement: © Environment Agency copyright and/or...

Whether GP Practices Provide Functionality For Patients To Book Or Cancel Appointments Electronically

Supplies details of whether GP Practices provide patient access to electronically book and/or cancel appointments online. Purpose To represent the number of GP Practices that provide systemic...

Elemental concentrations in fish from lakes in Northwest England

Data comprise concentrations of elements in ashed fish sampled from lakes in the English Lake District in 2012 and 2013. Fish were collected from three lakes (Windermere, Bassenthwaite Lake and...