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Financial Statistics (Two datasets)

Used in monthly Fiancial Statistics publication

% Take up of early education places by eligible two year olds - (Snapshot)

% Take up of early education places by eligible two year olds - (Snapshot)

New general needs PRP lettings, 2012/2013, England, District By Number of Bedrooms

This data set shows new Private Registered Providers (PRP) general needs lettings during 2012/13 by number of bedrroms. Information about the tenancy, the tenants and the property is collected...

Local Plan (Part Two) polygons 2019

Available to view online at

Local Plan (Part Two) points 2019

Available to view online at

HS2 Phase Two: from the West Midlands to Leeds and Manchester

HS2 Phase 2b: from the West Midlands to Leeds and Crewe to Manchester The data provided here relates to information and/or engineering design published during the Development Phase of High Speed...

Local Plan Part Two Linestring 2019 Adoption

Available to view online at

Mammal occurrence identified from metabarcoding of two leech species from Sabah, Malaysia

This dataset contains the results from a metabarcoding study of terrestrial leech blood meals to detect differences in the diets of two leech species, Haemadipsa picta and Haemadipsa sumatrana....

Nematode assemblages from trawling experiments at two stations in the southern North Sea, 1999-2000

Data is presented as counts of nematode worms present in samples obtained from two locations in the southern North Sea, the Western Mud Hole and the Botney Cut. These data are results of trawling...

Field transplant of two contrasting Senecio wildflower species across an elevational gradient on Mount Etna, Sicily 2017

This dataset contains survival, growth and leaf morphology data for multiple clones of c. 40 genotypes of two species of Senecio. The two Senecio species are native to low (S. chrysanthemifolius)...

Average weekly social rent of new PRP general needs lettings, 2012/2013, England, District By Number of Bedrooms

This data set shows the average weekly social rent (£), excluding service charge), of new Private Registered Providers (PRP) general needs lettings, 2012/13 Information about the tenancy, the...

Two-phase modeling of water partitioning between liquid iron and silicate melt (NERC Grant NE/S01134X/1)

The two-phase modeling of water between liquid iron and silicate melt at 50 and 135 gigapascals (corresponding to 3500 and 4200 kelvin) was performed by using ab initio molecular dynamics...

UKCCSRC Call 2 project data: Gas-liquid two-phase CO2 flow data from a vertical Coriolis meter and a DP transmitter

The data is collected in North China Electric Power University (NCEPU) on a 1-inch bore, gas-liquid two-phase, high pressure (up to 72bar), ambient temperature CO2 flow test rig from 19th May to...

UKGEOS Glasgow GGC01 Intermediate Borehole Information Pack - Part Two

The borehole information pack from borehole GGC01, site 10 of the UK Geoenergy Observatories (UKGEOS) Glasgow facility. This intermediate data release pack from BGS contains core scan optical and...

CO2 efflux and hydraulic data for two Scottish and four Amazonian streams 2011-13

The dataset contains CO2 efflux, hydraulic and water chemistry data from six field sites which vary in location, size and catchment characteristics. Measurements were made at: i) two sites in the...

Extractable phosphorus and microbial biomass phosphorus from two UK grassland soils under elevated CO2, 2018-2020

This dataset contains information on bio-available phosphorus and microbial biomass phosphorus from two UK grassland soils and how this is affected by elevated CO2 (eCO2). The soils are from...

National Audit of Care at the End of Life: Round Two

The National Audit of Care at the End of Life is a national comparative audit of the quality and outcomes of care experienced by the dying person and those important to them during the last...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project paper: Modelling the non-equilibrium two-phase flow during depressurisation of CO2 pipelines

This UKCCSRC (UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre) Call 1 project involved the development, testing and validation of a two-fluid transient flow model for simulating outflow following the...

% of children ceasing to be subject to a Child Protection Plan who had been the subject of a CPP continuously for two years or longer - (YTD)

% of children ceasing to be subject to a Child Protection Plan who had been the subject of a CPP continuously for two years or longer - (YTD)

Water chemistry, hydrology and fluvial carbon data for two Amazonian small streams

The data are concentrations of different fluvial carbon species (dissolved inorganic carbon, dissolved organic carbon and particulate organic carbon) which form part of the lateral transport of...