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New general needs PRP lettings, 2012/2013, England, District By Number of Bedrooms

This data set shows new Private Registered Providers (PRP) general needs lettings during 2012/13 by number of bedrroms. Information about the tenancy, the tenants and the property is collected...

Camden Council Average Housing Rent By Bedroom Size

This dataset contains average rents of Camden housing stock by bedroom size. These values are from the annual Housing Revenue Account Budget and Rent Review document - links to this document are...

Early Learning for two-year-olds: voluntary survey

Data drawn from a termly voluntary survey of English local authorities on the number of two-year-olds receiving a funded early learning place. Survey designed to help the Department monitor...

Average weekly social rent of new PRP general needs lettings, 2012/2013, England, District By Number of Bedrooms

This data set shows the average weekly social rent (£), excluding service charge), of new Private Registered Providers (PRP) general needs lettings, 2012/13 Information about the tenancy, the...

HS2 Phase Two proposed line of route consultation

GIS shapefile data presenting the July 2013 consultation alignments, stations and depots for the proposed HS2 Phase Two proposed line of route between the West Midlands and the East Midlands,...

Sunderland Priority Two Gritting Routes

List of roads classified as priority two gritting routes across the City of Sunderland. These are knows as distributory and important local routes.

HS2 Phase Two: from the West Midlands to Leeds and Manchester

HS2 Phase 2b: from the West Midlands to Leeds and Crewe to Manchester The data provided here relates to information and/or engineering design published during the Development Phase of High Speed...

Financial Statistics (Two datasets)

Used in monthly Fiancial Statistics publication

House building: Dwellings Started - Private

Permanent dwellings started, by tenure, by house and flat, number of bedrooms etc and country.

House building: Dwellings Completed

Permenent dwellings built, and completions, by tenure, by house and flat, number of bedrooms etc and country.

Local Plan (Part Two) polygons 2019

Available to view online at

Local Plan (Part Two) points 2019

Available to view online at

House building: Dwellings Completed - Total

Dwellings built, starts and completions, by tenure, House building: permanent dwellings completed, by tenure, by house and flat, number of bedrooms etc and country.

Local Plan Part Two Linestring 2019 Adoption

Available to view online at

House building: Dwellings Completed - Private

Dwellings completed by tenure, by house and flat, number of bedrooms etc. Tables provide the latest, most useful or most popular data, presented by type and other variables, including by...

House building: Dwellings Started

Dwellings built, starts and completions, by tenure, by house and flat, number of bedrooms etc. Tables provide the latest, most useful or most popular data, presented by type and other variables,...

Spare Room Subsidy - Part of Housing Benefit dataset

Included within the main HB official statistics, additional breakdowns of the number of HB claimants who have had a reduction in their HB award as a result of the withdrawal of the spare room...

Macroinvertebrates of two abstracted streams: taxon data

The data consist of species level descriptions of macroinvertebrate communities from two abstracted streams in the Lowther catchment, UK, upstream and downstream of abstraction points. Supporting...

LDD Planning Approvals by Borough 2009

Planning approvals statistics, by Borough, for 2008-09 from the London Development Database. Includes information on approval type, gross units by tenure and floor space. The London Development...

National Audit of Care at the End of Life: Round Two

The National Audit of Care at the End of Life is a national comparative audit of the quality and outcomes of care experienced by the dying person and those important to them during the last...