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Coal seam levels

This coal seam levels dataset shows the level of underground working in metres along a specific point/contour, in a specific seam, above or below ordnance datum/sea level. A minus before the figure...

Coal Development Low Risk Area

The Development Low Risk area is an area where our records do not indicate the presence of coal mining features at surface or shallow depth which may pose a risk to surface stability or public...

Gateshead mine water heat living laboratory

This data is a collection of data from sensors deployed as part of the Gateshead Living Lab, pertaining to mine water level, mine water chemistry, mine water temperature, pore water pressures and...

Environmental Monitoring Points

Environmental monitoring points consist of a variety of sites throughout the UK at which environmental data are gathered by The Coal Authority. The types of data collected include: water level,...

Licence Areas

Upon privatisation of the coal industry in 1994, The Coal Authority was set up to take over a number of British Coal’s responsibilities; however these did not include the physical extraction of...

Building types with heating and cooling demand over coal mine workings

This dataset has been produced upon collaboration with the Ordnance Survey (OS), in order to produce a geospatial layer to aid in identifying areas which might see the most impact from a mine water...

Geospatial Data Catalogue: Coal Authority

Working with the Geospatial Commission, the Geo6 organisations have produced a simplified common data catalogue providing core information on the geospatial datasets that they hold and manage. ...

Organogram of Staff Roles & Salaries

Organogram (organisation chart) showing all staff roles. Names and salaries are also listed for the Senior Civil Servants. Organogram data is released by all central government departments and...

Payments made by the Coal Authority

A monthly updated list of all financial transactions made by the Coal Authority

Shallow Coal Workings

The shallow coal workings dataset is derived from the Authority's records of underground coal mine workings. This dataset consists of all those underground coal workings with a recorded or...

Underground coal workings

This dataset identifies areas where coal has been mined, or is currently being mined under the surface.

Unlicensed opencast coal mining

The Unlicensed Opencast dataset contains the locations and extents of pre Coal Authority worked opencast sites i.e. as worked by National Coal Board/British Coal. Note: This dataset should be...

Coal workings dates

This dataset identifies the year the coal was mined at a geographic point in a specific seam.

Probable coal workings

The probable coal workings dataset contains the locations and estimated extents of probable underground coal workings for which no recorded plan exists, but where it is possible that workable coal...

Coal roadways

The coal roadways (spine roadways) dataset represents underground roadways connecting or leading to areas of underground coal working.

Coal mining court orders

In parts of the country, the High Court may have issued an order allowing a mine owner or mining operator to work coal where no previous mining lease was in existence. The Court may also have made...

Coal mining child phase

The coal mining child phase dataset shows the position for each Child Phase taken from the information held by the Authority, and includes a number of attributes relating to that feature. This...

Coal mining parent phase

The coal mining parent phase data set records the chronology of an underground working (Proposed or Actual). A Parent Phase will typically start life as Proposed and as Coal is extracted over a...

Coal mining licence area

The coal mining licence area dataset shows the position for each License Area relating to both underground, opencast and underground coal gasification as taken from the information held by the...

Coal mining legal notices

The coal mining legal notice dataset details each notice issued to allow coal mining operations in areas where no mining lease was in existence, as taken from the information held by the Coal...