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52 results found

HSE Land Use Planning Data

HSE’s consultation zones have been developed to assist HSE in its role as a statutory consultee for planning applications around major hazard sites and major accident hazard pipelines. HSE use the...

National Population Database Northern Ireland

The National Population Database (NPD) for Northern Ireland is a point-based Geographical Information System (GIS) dataset that combines locational information from Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland...

National Population Database

The National Population Database (NPD) is a point-based Geographical Information System (GIS) dataset that combines locational information from providers like the Ordnance Survey with population...

National Population Database

The National Population Database (NPD) is a point-based Geographical Information System (GIS) dataset that combines locational information from providers like the Ordnance Survey with population...

Carriage of Dangerous Goods - Prohibition Notices

The Prohibition Notices below were issued by Police or the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) or the Department for Transport (DfT).

HSE Organisation chart of staff roles and salaries

Organisation chart showing all staff roles, salaries are also listed for the Senior Civil Servants.

RIDDOR - Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations

Last updated 11/16


HSE is committed to the continuous improvement of environmental performance and management and the prevention of pollution from the activities we undertake in the most cost effective manner. The...

HSE Resource Management system

The Resource Management system holds the following information: Information on current staff and former employees for the purposes of general, human resources and financial management. These...

MRL (Maximum Residue Level)

Maximum Residue Level (MRL) data set provide comprehensive environmental information on statutory and non-statutory MRLs applying to pesticides in food following the introduction of EC Regulation...

Approved Medical Examiner of Diving

Contains details of doctors that are appointed in writing by HSE to conduct statutory medicals to assess the fitness to work of divers, which is a regulatory requirement pre-employment and at...

Appointed Doctors Database

Contains details of doctors that are appointed in writing by HSE to conduct statutory medical surveillance under a range of HSE regulations relating to asbestos, chemicals, lead and working in...

Construction Notifications. Form 10 (F10) Database

The F10 Database contains details of planned construction projects, provided to HSE by Construction Design Management co-ordinators on those projects. The types of projects that must notify HSE...

Standards database identifying HSE’s role in Technical Standards work

Details HSE involvement in standards work and identifies HSE teams & personnel officers representing HSE in this work. The standards database has been in operation since 2007 and currently...

Asbestos Licence Database

Database was set up in 1997 to record details of all asbestos licences and applications for asbestos licences since 1984. It contains 5543 records for current and previous licence holders – 479...

Adventure Activities Licensing Authority (AALA) register of licence holders.

The public register of AALA licence holders is a legislative requirement (regulation 13 of The Adventure Activities Licensing Regulations 2004). The register has been publicly available since...

Asbestos Notifications System (ANS)

Notification is required of particular work, requiring an asbestos licence, under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (and previous regulations). This database stores information on...

Plant Protection Product information

A number of databases that hold details of information on around 7000 Plant Protection Products that have held an authorisation for use and those with On-Label authorisations since 1998. For all...

Notifications of licensed work (and some types of non-licensed work) with asbestos

Notification required by EU Directive 2009/148/EC on the protection of workers from the risk of exposure to asbestos. Generally, the removal of asbestos has to be done by contractors who are...

Liquefied Petroleum Gas

Used to record surveys of Liquefied Petroleum Gas buried pipework (non-residential) to inform a schedule of replacement for HSE and industry. Number of records in dataset – 5078. Dataset contains...