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MMO1064 Motor Boat Model Web Feature Service (WFS)

This model output illustrates the potential for leisure Motor Boating activity around the English Coast as part of the MMO1064 marine recreation modelling project. The purpose of this study was to...

MMO1064 Boat Angling Model Web Feature Service (WFS)

This model output illustrates the potential for Boat Based Angling activity in English waters as part of the MMO1064 marine recreation modelling project. The purpose of this study was to develop a...

MMO1064 Boat Angling Model Web Mapping Service (WMS)

This model output illustrates the potential for Boat Based Angling activity in English waters as part of the MMO1064 marine recreation modelling project. The purpose of this study was to develop a...

MMO1064 Beach Activities Model Web Feature Service (WFS)

This model output illustrates the potential for beach activity (including swimming) around the English Coast as part of the MMO1064 marine recreation modelling project. The purpose of this study...

MMO1064 Beach Activities Model Web Mapping Service (WMS)

This model output illustrates the potential for beach activity (including swimming) around the English Coast as part of the MMO1064 marine recreation modelling project. The purpose of this study...

MMO1040 Current Aquaculture Potential Web Mapping Service (WMS)

Areas identified through GIS modelling of suitable environmental conditions in the South and East Marine Plan Areas favourable for macroalgae culture, Bivalve Bottom Culture, Finfish Cage, Lobster...

MMO1040 Current Aquaculture Potential Web Feature Service (WFS)

Areas identified through GIS modelling of suitable environmental conditions in the South and East Marine Plan Areas favourable for macroalgae culture, Bivalve Bottom Culture, Finfish Cage, Lobster...

MMO1037 Marine Character Areas Web Feature Service (WFS)

This dataset is part of the MMO1037 evidence report "Character assessment for the English coast". The dataset consists of 14 Marine Character Areas (MCA), taking in the full extent of the South...

MMO1037 Marine Character Areas Web Mapping Service (WMS)

This dataset is part of the MMO1037 evidence report "Character assessment for the English coast". The dataset consists of 14 Marine Character Areas (MCA), taking in the full extent of the South...

Real Time and Juvenile Closures Web Mapping Service (WMS)

This dataset provides the spatial extent of Real time closures (RTC) and Juvenile closures since April 2010. The purpose of RTCs are to ensure sufficient efforts are made to reduce cod mortality. ...

Real Time and Juvenile Closures Web Feature Service (WFS)

This dataset provides the spatial extent of Real time closures (RTC) and Juvenile closures since April 2010. The purpose of RTCs are to ensure sufficient efforts are made to reduce cod mortality. ...

Special advisers’ quarterly returns on gifts, hospitality and media meetings

The Department publishes quarterly details of: all gifts received by each special adviser; all hospitality received by special advisers. This does not normally include attendance at...


Hosted by Iron Mountain: eSearch - manages the physical records (circa 3.7 million) hosted by Iron Mountain . Utilised to locate, retrieve and track all DECC's physical assets. Utilised to manage...

OS NGD API – Tiles

OS NGD API – Tiles offers you a vector tile service powered by the OS National Geographic Database (OS NGD). It provides a detailed and customisable basemap based on the latest OGC API – Tiles...

Calderdale Data Works Web stats

Sessions, page views, users, devices and referrals for the DataWorks platform using information from Google Analytics. The interactive dashboard provides data by month from September 2018 for...

Territorial Army Continuous Attitude Survey TA CA

TACAS measures TA personnel attitudes TA 2011 - hosted on Army Net - 1600 responses all anon

Marine Management Organisation Office Locations Web Feature Service (WFS)

The shapefile shows the locations of MMO marine offices.

Marine Management Organisation Office Locations Web Mapping Service (WMS)

The shapefile shows the locations of MMO marine offices.

MMO1066 Vessel density grid 2012 Web Feature Service (WFS)

This dataset contains the average weekly shipping density for the whole of the UK at a 2km2 grid resolution. For 2012, AIS datasets were sampled from the first seven days of the month, commencing...

MMO1066 Vessel density grid 2012 Web Mapping Service (WMS)

This dataset contains the average weekly shipping density for the whole of the UK at a 2km2 grid resolution. For 2012, AIS datasets were sampled from the first seven days of the month, commencing...