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557 results found

Bus routes in Cheshire East

Bus Routes - Cheshire East Local Bus Network

Translink Metro & Glider Bus Routes

Translink Belfast Metro Bus Routes.

GM bus routes (1:25,000 scale map data)

This dataset consists of map files which show bus routes covering the Greater Manchester area. The dataset is available in MapInfo .tab, Google .kml, and ESRI .shp file formats. Please...

Low Emission Bus Zones

Low Emission Bus Zones use buses with top-of-the-range engines and exhaust systems that meet or exceed the highest Euro VI emissions standards. The zones have been prioritised in the worst air...

Bus Lane Enforcement - Enforcement Points

Leicester City Council operates a bus lane enforcement scheme to improve public transport reliability, journey times and to encourage sustainable travel.Enforcement points are located at the...

Bus Lane and Bus Gate Enforcement

This page contains datasets about Cambridgeshire County Council's enforcement of bus lanes and bus gates in Cambridge City.  The datasets contain figures showing the number of Penalty Charge...

Quarterly bus statistics

Statistics presenting the latest quarterly data on passenger satisfaction, bus reliability and bus patronage in Great Britain. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Bus Lanes

bus lanes in the City of London.

Bus Mystery Traveller Survey

This report contains the Bus Mystery Traveller Survey half year results. The survey assesses factors associated with local bus travel, in particular the bus stop / bus shelter, bus punctuality,...


bus_rail_interchange Bus and Rail Interchanges is a polygon dataset which indicates the location of Bus and Rail Interchanges within the Tendring District. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you...

Cycle Routes in Newcastle

Cycle routes in Newcastle including; - Shared use - Advisory - Mandatory - Bus lanes - Highway refers to routes where the cycle track is within the highway, physically separated from traffic...

Bus stops

All bus stops including information on direction of travel.

Bus stops

Data showing geographic locations of all bus stops within the Plymouth boundary.

Bus Stop Clearway London Road from January 2020

This data highlights Penalty Charge Notices issued on London Road Bus Stop Clearway on a red route.Please note - there is no income value available.

Traffic Commissioners: local bus service registration

These records are updated on a weekly basis, every Sunday. Register of all registered local bus services in Great Britain as recorded on the Vehicle Operator Licensing database (VOL). 1....

Bus Passenger Satisfaction Survey

The report contains the annual results for the Bus Passenger Satisfaction Survey. The survey asks passengers to rate their satisfaction with several aspects of the bus journey they have just...

Penalty Charge Notices issued per Bus Gate/Bus Lane issued monthly

This data highlights total number of Penalty Charge Notices issued per Bus Gate/Bus Lane each month.Please note - there is no income value given to each individual Bus Gate/Bus Lane because all...

Wolverhampton Bus Lanes

Wolverhampton Bus Lanes

Live Bus Data

Live Bus Data

Translink Bus Stop List

This data contains a list of all Metro and Ulsterbus Bus Stops across Northern Ireland. It includes all real and virtual bus stops.