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Expenditure in May 2023

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Crown Prosecution Service case outcomes by principal offence category - May 2011

Monthly publication of criminal case outcomes in the magistrates' courts and in the Crown Court by principal offence category and by CPS Area

Department of Health Ministerial Visits May 2010 onwards

Department of Health Ministerial Visits May 2010 onwards

Potential Data Standards May 2016

This dataset is now retired and it is no longer maintained. This is the Environment Agency list of potential data standards. These data standards were identified through an assessment of the IT and...

Published Data Standards May 2016

This dataset is now retired and it is no longer maintained. This is the Environment Agency list of internally published data standards. These data standards were identified through an assessment...

Social Housing Asset Value Manchester

This data set is provided as specified in para. 38 of Local Government Transparency Code February 2015 This data provides information relating to the market value of social housing...

DCMS Special Advisers' gifts and hospitality May-December 2010

Lists the Special Advisers gifts (both received and given) and hospitality received in the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

Operational Efficiency Programme Benchmarking Report for April 2009 to May 2010

Operational Efficiency Programme Benchmarking Report for April 2009 to May 2010 with the full accompanying data set. The report highlights the exceptionally bad quality of existing data,...

Northern Ireland Office (NIO): Workforce Management Information: May 2021

Monthly management information on staff numbers for the Northern Ireland Office. For workforce numbers, both payroll and non-payroll (contingent labour, including consultants) information is...

Review of Defra catalog/data-setss on Data.Gov.UK undertaken May 2015

This catalog/data-sets is no longer being updated and was archived on 1/10/2024 In 2015 a review was undertaken of all the Defra catalog/data-setss on Data.Gov.UK to identify which...

Near Miss Incidents March 2000 to May 2012

Near miss incidents reported by Environment Agency employees during the period from March 2000 to May 2012. This is the complete near miss data set from our first reporting system and will not be...

MOD: ministerial gifts, hospitality, travel and meetings, May 2010 to December 2013

A quarterly-updated list of gifts, hospitality received by ministers; travel undertaken and meetings between ministers in the Ministry of Defence and external organisations.

Northern Ireland Office (NIO): GPC spending over £500 - May 2021

The Northern Ireland Office (NIO) publishes details of all spending over £500 using an electronic purchasing card solution (ePCS) on a monthly basis. The ePCS has replaced the government...

Environment Agency Employee Incidents March 2000 to May 2012

PLEASE NOTE: This dataset has now been retired. Employee injury incidents reported by Environment Agency employees during the period from March 2000 to May 2012. This is the complete employee...

Northern Ireland Office (NIO): Central Government spending over £25,000 - May 2021

Report showing departmental spending over £25,000. The data is presented monthly. Prior to 2021, spend data was published on GOV.UK at:...

Demographics Profile May 2013

The profile brings together key demographic data at Camden practice level to help compare the characteristics of each practice population. It accompanies the Practice Profiles, which provide...

Broad Scale Biotope Mapping of the Isle of May cSAC: subtidal lifeforms

As part of the Forth Spatial Study the intertidal and subtidal areas of the Isle of May cSAC, and a surrounding 1km wide buffer zone were surveyed to provide a comprehensive broad scale biotope...

Broad Scale Biotope Mapping of the Isle of May cSAC: intertidal biotopes

As part of the Forth Spatial Study the intertidal and subtidal areas of the Isle of May cSAC, and a surrounding 1km wide buffer zone were surveyed to provide a comprehensive broad scale biotope...

Long-term monitoring network vegetation survey May Moss LTMNB48

This dataset contains vegetation data collected on May Moss which will help Natural England understand the effects of climate change, air pollution and land management on the natural...

Health Safety Third Party Incidents March 2000 to May 2012

Data from incidents that have resulted in injuries to third parties - i.e. members of the public and contractors working on behalf of the Environment Agency during the period from March 2000 to May...