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18,565 results found

Climate Change Levy and Carbon Price Floor Bulletin

Statistics on Climate Change Levy and Carbon Price Floor receipts and liabilities for the UK. Prior to the introduction of the Carbon Price Floor (April 2013) the publication 'Climate Change Levy...

Commercial and Industrial Floor space and Rateable Value Statistics

Hereditament, floor space and rateable value statistics for non-domestic property. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Commercial and Industrial Floor space and Rateable Value Statistics

Live tables on commercial and industrial floorspace and rateable value statistics. Hereditament, floor space and rateable value statistics for non-domestic property.

Domestic Energy Performance Certificates Lodged on Register - By Floor Area

All Dwellings: Floor Area covered by Domestic Energy Performance Certificates lodged on the Register , in each Local Authority, in each Year/Quarter between 2008 and 2015 Q4. The Q4 2015...

Planning casework service

Holds records relating to the Inspectorate's processing of planning\enforcement\listed building\conservation area consent\lawful development certificate\advertisement appeals where the decision is...

Spend over £250 at the Planning Inspectorate

A monthly updated list of the Planning Inspectorate's spend on goods and services of £250 or more as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure from August 2012. Spend...

Spend over £500 at the Planning Inspectorate

A monthly updated list of the Planning Inspectorate's spend on goods and services of £500 or more as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.

Planning and Operations

Includes casework, monitoring technical information

Household lowest floor level (2001 Census)

All households by the lowest floor level of the accommodation lived in Source: Census 2001 Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Output Area (OA), Lower Layer Super Output Area...

Tenure and lowest floor level by household composition

Tenure and lowest floor level by household composition. Census Area Statistics Table CAS057 Source: Census 2001 Publisher: Nomis Geographies: Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA), Middle Layer...

GPC Spend over £250 at the Planning Inspectorate

A monthly updated list of the Planning Inspectorate's GPC spend on goods and services of £250 or more as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure from August 2012....

GPC spend over £500 at the Planning Inspectorate

A monthly updated list of the Planning Inspectorate's GPC spend to the value of £500 or more as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure. Please note that should there...

Estates Cost Plans

Financial cost options for the implementation of estates related activity.

Design Plan Units

A Spatial dataset. This dispersed dataset shows information on forest plan coverage, approval and expiry on the Public Forest Estate.

Estates Cost Plans

Financial cost options for the implementation of estates related activity.

Forest Plans England

This scheme is now closed. Forest Plans have been introduced for landowners who are planning to carry out felling, restocking and thinning in their woodlands over a 20 year period. The Forestry...

Internal Audit Plan

List of internal audits planned by year.

Planning Inspectorate - Planning Appeals Casework

The data in this data set covers the last 5 rolling years for appeals with a decision date. Appeals currently in progress and those which have been withdrawn or turned away are not...

Primary Authority Inspection Plans

A list of the number of Primary Authority Inspection Plans that the FSA has commented on. includes timescales and names of the Primary Authorities

Personal Equity Plans (PEP)

Data on Personal Equity Plans (PEP)