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1,837 results found

Testing shoot cold hardiness in Eucalyptus (Daneshill energy plantation 2007)

Several studies on growing eucalyptus in Britain have been undertaken over the last 25 years. All recognise the potential for establishing this species as a valuable forest crop while stressing...

1994 Environment and Resource Technology (ERT), Portland Harbour to the west and Clavell Tower at Kimmeridge to the east, Hardy-Barnett suction sampler and Diving survey

All these records relate to "Environment and Resource Technology Ltd (1994) - Marine Environmental Survey of the Dorset Coastline within UKCS Block 97/14 and 15 - Diving Survey (ERT 94/075)...

1994 Environment and Resource Technology (ERT), Portland Harbour to the west and Clavell Tower at Kimmeridge to the east, Hardy-Barnett suction sampler and Diving survey

All these records relate to "Environment and Resource Technology Ltd (1994) - Marine Environmental Survey of the Dorset Coastline within UKCS Block 97/14 and 15 - Diving Survey (ERT 94/075)...

Purchase Grant Fund, grants awarded

List of grants given by the V&A Purchase Grant Fund, which is managed by the V&A as part of its national work. The grants budget is provided by Arts Council England.


 Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations.

GLA Grants data

The GLA Grants Dataset contains data relating to grants which have been awarded by the GLA since 2013. The dataset uses the 360 Giving Standard, to ensure the data is clear and accessible. This...


Scarborough Borough Council grants information. Published in compliance with the Transparency Code 2015.

Government Grants Register

Grant schemes administered by government departments over the 2013 / 14 financial year. Including: the value of the grant schemes, the type of recipients and number of recipients. This...

Disabled Facilities Grants

Disabled Facilities Grants showing the total numbers of referrals, grants awarded and cost. To apply for a disabled facilities grant click here and for further information click here.

Bristol City Council Grants

Bristol City Council Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations. For each identified grant, the following information is published: date the grant was awarded time...

Woodland Grant Scheme

The Woodland Grant Scheme (WGS) provided incentives for people to create and manage woodlands on sites all over Wales. The scheme was run in 3 phases with the last phase ending in...

Disabled Facilities Grants

Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) include data related to the number of grants issued and the breakdown of monies issued year on year by Calderdale Council. There are some empty periods within the...

Grant funding

As per the transparency agenda The grant funding for each year is supplied and updated annually

Grant data from funders

GrantNav is a free-to-use platform that brings together open, comparable grants data published using the 360Giving Standard. GrantNav makes it easy for people to search, explore and download the...

DCMS Lottery Grants Database

Here you can find out about what organisations in your area have received Lottery grants and what the money was spent on. This search page allows you to find out what groups and people received...

Grant Register

The data lists grants awarded by the Council. The register is being updated to ensure all grants are listed and will next be updated in May 2015. The Council will publish updates to the register...

Flooding grants

This flooding grants dataset shows grants awarded to businesses affected by the Christmas 2015 floods in Leeds. Businesses can apply for two grants as detailed below. Each line represents a single...

MOPAC Grants awarded

Grant Agreements executed by MOPAC.

Strategic Arts Grants

This annual CBC funding combines with that awarded by Arts Council England and Essex County Council, as well as other public, private and commercial sources of income, to enable the organisations...

Strategic Arts Grants

This annual CBC funding combines with that awarded by Arts Council England and Essex County Council, as well as other public, private and commercial sources of income, to enable the organisations...