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Parking spaces

This dataset lists the number of parking spaces in each classification managed by the Parking Services section of Leeds City Council. It shows the free and charged-for parking spaces...

Allerdale Miscellaneous Charge Land Charge

Miscellaneous Charge recorded as Land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent. Miscellaneous charges include INDs

Bristol City Council Parking Spaces

Free parking spaces available within Bristol which are provided directly by the local authority, and Parking spaces where charges apply that are available within Bristol which are provided...

Council Tax Charges

Council tax charges for Calderdale by band: * Annual council tax charge since 1993/94; * Breakdown of council tax charge since 2016/17, showing the charge for parish, social care, police and...

Miscellaneous Part 3 Charges

Miscellaneous Part 3 Charges are subsection of the local land charges register for planning. A Section 106 Agreement is a planning agreement shown within the Part 3 Charge on a local...

Council Tax charges

Council tax charges are shown on council tax bills. The data shows all charges by parish and by council tax band.

Council tax charges

Council tax charges information by property band

Allerdale Specific Financial Land Charge

Specific Financial charge recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent. Specific Charges as defined under Section 2 of the Land Charge Register.

Electric Vehicle Charging Transactions

Data showing Electric Vehicle Charging Point Transactions: charging point location, time, total Wh and connect time. Data measured in Watt Hours (Wh).

Parking charge notices

Data showing details of Parking Charge Notices issued in Plymouth from 2013-2016

Open Spaces

Areas of open space as identified by the open space study and subsequent open space framework within Wycombe District, polygons

Parking revenue - excess charges

Parking revenue data on excess charges The data shown on excess charges figures do not reflect the monthly takings in car parks but cash collection and reconciliation.

Open Space

Areas defined as Open Space in the Local Development Plan. Subject to policies GN.34 (Recreational Open Space) and GN.35 (Amenity Open Space) of the LDP.

CIL Residential Charging Zones

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Zones maps for new development in Bath & North East Somerset. These identify the locations and boundaries to which the residential and...

CIL Hotel Charging Zone

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Zones maps for new development in Bath & North East Somerset. These identify the locations and boundaries to which the residential and...

CIL Retail Charging Zones

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Zones maps for new development in Bath & North East Somerset. These identify the locations and boundaries to which the residential and...

Salford City Council Parking Account and Parking Spaces

This report provides a breakdown of income and expenditure on Salford City Council's parking account, including revenue collected from on-street parking, off-street parking and Penalty Charge...

Open space audit July 2011 civic space

Open Space Audit and Assessment of Need (July 2011) - civic spaces.

Open Spaces

Open Spaces are identified for their public value and cover a broad range of typologies of both publicly and privately owned spaces such as parks, outdoor sports facilities, green space, play...

Open Spaces

Data recorded on all Open Spaces in the City. Analysis provided in the Open Spaces Audit. Contact Monitoring & Information team for further details. • Site Description – Records the name or...