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Grain size distributions in saltmarsh soil samples from UK saltmarshes collected between 2018 and 2021

[This dataset is embargoed until May 1, 2025]. The dataset details the grain size distributions of 459 subsamples from 18 soil cores collected from across 14 UK saltmarshes between 2018 and 2021....

Geochemistry and grain size of terrestrial sediments collected across a stream network, Swineshaw Moor, UK, 2018

This dataset contains details of sediment geochemistry, loss-on-ignition and sediment median particle size for terrestrial sediment samples collected across the stream network of Harehill and...

Mailbox Size

This dataset shows the size, in megabytes, of FSA email accounts grouped into size bandings.


On-going programme of digitising the Museum's entire collection or c.80m specimens and making publicly available in the main through (due to be published January 2015) and

Average class sizes

Average class sizes in maintained primary and secondary schools Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: Department for Children Schools and Families...

Land survey collection of photographs

This is the core collection of photographs in BGS it represents photographs taken by professional photographers and selected by subject and quality for public reference in the BGS libraries. The...

North Sea Sediment Particle Size Analysis

Particle Size Analysis (PSA) for seabed sediment samples collected in the North Sea during three Cefas cruises on RV Corystes (Cruise Codes CORY 10/2001, CORY 09/2002 and CORY 8x/2003) as part of...

North Sea Sediment Particle Size Analysis

Particle Size Analysis (PSA) for seabed sediment samples collected in the North Sea during three Cefas cruises on RV Corystes (Cruise Codes CORY 10/2001, CORY 09/2002 and CORY 8x/2003) as part of...

Search the collections – archival collections

Catalogue records for archives in the V&A’s Archive of Art and Design, Theatre and Performance Collection, Museum of Childhood – and the V&A’s own institutional archive.

CABE Dwelling Size Study

Floor space provided in 200 typical houses and flats across England. Raw data on room sizes, GIA, NIA, in sq m, plus additional data such as garages, numbers of bathrooms and design occupancy...

GP Practice List Sizes

A quarterly reference file of active GP Practices and their list size (number of registered patients) at the start of each quarter.

Collections online

The database is an inventory of the Museum’s collection and aims to record what is known about it. It is primarily designed to support curatorial and research work, and much of the text is...

Waste Collection

The waste collection of each ward in North Somerset from April - June 2014.

Archive photograph collections

The BGS archive photograph collections consists of three sub-collections, The British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) photograph collection, Keyworth Library archive collection...

Particle Size Analysis (PSA) data from Haig Fras

Particle Size Analysis (PSA) data from Haig Fras SCI/cSAC survey. The primary aim was to conduct a bathymetric survey to map the extent of the Annex I reef habitat and to collect ground truth data...

Fladen experimental fishing impact recovery data - Particle size analysis

Particle size distribution, Folk, European Nature Information System (EUNIS) and Broadscale habitat classifications identified from 0.1m2 Day Grab samples of the seabed, with associated station...

Fladen experimental fishing impact recovery data - Particle size analysis

Particle size distribution, Folk, European Nature Information System (EUNIS) and Broadscale habitat classifications identified from 0.1m2 Day Grab samples of the seabed, with associated station...

North Sea and English Channel Sediment Particle Size Analysis

Particle Size Analysis (PSA) of seabed sediment samples from the North Sea and English channel collected as part of a study on sediment biogeochemistry under Defra project ME5301 in the period...

North Sea and English Channel Sediment Particle Size Analysis

Particle Size Analysis (PSA) of seabed sediment samples from the North Sea and English channel collected as part of a study on sediment biogeochemistry under Defra project ME5301 in the period...

Bin collection days

This is East Renfrewshire Councils data for bin collection days. It is taken from the address gazetteer and it must be used in conjunction with the Calendar Cycle PDF's attached. Cycle start date...