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154 results found

Tour de France

The information relates to the economic boost from the Tour de France 2014, for the City of Bradford Metropolitan District and wider. How various teams worked together seamlessly to provide a...

DBS de-registered Registered Bodies

Data showing a list of Registered Bodies where registration has been cancelled within the last six months. The spreadsheet also include the address of the Registered Bodies along with the volume of...

Bare peat in Scotland from Sentinel 2

The dataset shows larger expanses of bare peat across Scotland from Sentinel 2 imagery taken in summer 2018. Resolution of 10m x 10m Sentinel 2 pixels. Produced by NatureScot Geographic...

Listed Buildings (De-Listed)

Dataset showing previously Listed Buildings within the Councils administrative area that have been de-listed. Areas recorded as polygons and are indicative only. Upon accessing this Licensed Data...

Business start-ups and closures: VAT registrations and de-registrations

Presents data on the number of enterprises registering and de-registering for VAT. The stock of VAT-registered enterprises is also included. Source agency: Business, Innovation and...

Tour de France 2014 cycle route in Leeds

> Dataset showing the 2014 Tour de France route within the Leeds metropolitan district boundary. > > Please note > ----------- > > * This dataset is a one-off...


Polygon feature representing an area on the Earth's surface that has not otherwise been captured as a Building Part, Rail, Road Track Or Path, Structure, or Water Feature Type. Examples of Land...

Tour de France social and economic impact report results

The following dataset provides the results of the TdF social and economic impact survey, conducted during the Tour de France 2014. Please note ----------- * We are aware of data quality errors...

DBS Registered Bodies who have been de-registered within the last 6 (six) months

DBS Registered Bodies who have been de-registered within the last 6 (six) months, including name, address and volume of application. Produced for an FOI request.

MOD-Organogram of Staff Roles & Salaries-DE&S

Organogram (organisation chart) showing all staff roles. Names and salaries are also listed for the Senior Civil Servants 2* and above. Organogram data has been released by all central...

MOD-Organogram of Staff Roles & Salaries-Defence Electronics & Components Agency

Defence Electronics and Components Agency (DECA) is now part of Defence, Equipment and Support (DE&S). DECA’s transparency and organogram data from June 2024 can be found in [the DE&S...

Various FWE Dashboards

Excel dashboards that present statistics in tables and charts that inform DE&S Fleet wide Equipment decisions about managing equipments.

VAT registered businesses registering and de-registering per year

Number of VAT-registered businesses recorded as registering and de-registering during a calendar year Source: Business Registers Unit (BRU) Publisher: Business Registers Unit (BRU) /...

Vascular plant and bryophyte survey from a 33-year chronosequence on bare chalk, Dorset, 2019-2020

Vascular plant and bryophyte survey data from a 33-year chronosequence on bare chalk, used to investigate primary succession. The bare chalk plots were created from archaeological excavations on...

2006 Marijke de Boer Dead Bird and Fish Archived Data

Ad hoc sightings of dead birds and fish at locations in cornwall in 2006/7. Photographs archived in DASSH.

2006 Marijke de Boer Dead Bird and Fish Archived Data

Ad hoc sightings of dead birds and fish at locations in cornwall in 2006/7. Photographs archived in DASSH.

Business Start-ups and Closures

Presents data on the number of enterprises registering and de-registering for VAT. The stock of VAT-registered enterprises is also included. Source agency: Business, Innovation and...

Bare sand, wind speed, aspect and slope at four English and Welsh coastal sand dunes, 2014-2016

This data contains values of bare sand area, modelled wind speed, aspect and slope at a 2.5 m spatial resolution for four UK coastal dune fields, Abberfraw (Wales), Ainsdale (England), Morfa...

PAYE data

PAYE data received from HMRC to enable the identification of employers who are required to comply with Automatic Enrolment duties. De-personalised.

Criminal Records Bureau: registered bodies de-registered in the past 12 months

FOI response: list of registered bodies de-registered in the past 12 months.