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348 results found

Co2SiO4 rheology (NERC Grant NE/L006898/1)

Synchrotron X-radiography (images) and diffraction data collected to measure rheology of olivine and ringwoodite structured Co2SiO4.

Ion probe Si and O zircon data (and standard characterisation) (NERC grant NE/R002134/1)

Provided here are in-situ Si and O isotope compositions of Detrital Jack Hills and Lachlan Fold Belt zircons. These data formed the basis of the research published as: Origin and significance of Si...

One O'Clock Clubs

shows the location of childrens services in lambeth

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project C2-181. Data for "Kinetics study and modelling of steam methane reforming process over a NiO/Al2O3 catalyst in an adiabatic packed bed reactor" in International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.

Dupont, Valerie (2016) Data for "Kinetics study and modelling of steam methane reforming process over a NiO/Al2O3 catalyst in an adiabatic packed bed reactor" in International Journal of Hydrogen...

SiO2 and Rb-Sr ratios vs crustal thickness in central and south western America (NERC grant NE/K008862/1)

A GEOROC ( compilation of 8,531 analyses of SiO2, Rb and Sr concentrations, in crustal rocks sampled in central and southwestern America, at sites of...

Photos, XRF elements, total N and C, and isotopic data (d18O, d13C) from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 225 cores, central Red Sea

Photographs, 18O/16O isotopic ratios, XRF-derived elemental and N, C concentration data are provided for sediment cores from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 225, central Red Sea. This site was...

Technetium-99 (99Tc) transformations in aerobic soils following experimental addition of the radioactive anion 99TcO4-

The data comprise measurements of the 'soluble', 'adsorbed' and 'organically bound' 99Tc concentrations in a diverse set of soils following experimental addition of 99TcO4- and incubation in the...

Survey : GEBL/O/1931 (part of CEFAS Historic surveys)

This survey was undertaken by Cefas as part of the CEFAS Historic surveys; Station and biological data collected during research surveys carried out by Cefas (formerly Directorate of Fisheries)...

Survey : GEBL/O/1931 (part of CEFAS Historic surveys)

This survey was undertaken by Cefas as part of the CEFAS Historic surveys; Station and biological data collected during research surveys carried out by Cefas (formerly Directorate of Fisheries)...

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCC09596o

Survey name: Burbage, Sapcote Road (Hinkley and Bosworth Local Plan) Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for...

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post1988 survey ALCL1O691

Survey name: Guisborough, East Upsall Farm Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data - scanned original paper maps and survey reports for individual sites surveyed in detail...

UKCCSRC Call 1,2 paper: Understanding the solubility of water in carbon capture and storage mixtures: An FTIR spectroscopic study of H2O+CO2+N2 ternary mixtures

The solubility of water (H2O) in carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen (N2) mixtures (xN2 = 0.050 and 0.100, mole fraction) has been investigated at 25 and 40 degrees C in the pressure range between 8...

UKCCSRC Call 1/2 paper: Understanding the solubility of water in carbon capture and storage mixtures: An FTIR spectroscopic study of H2O+CO2+N2 ternary mixtures

The solubility of water (H2O) in carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen (N2) mixtures (xN2 = 0.050 and 0.100, mole fraction) has been investigated at 25 and 40 °C in the pressure range between 8 and 18...

Raw data from synchrotron X-ray diffraction, MHz acoustic velocity and Inelastic Neutron Scattering measurements of CaSiO3-CaTiO3 perovskite minerals at mantle conditions

Experimental data originating from the NERC IRF project entitled "Calcium perovskite: the forgotten mantle phase". Data consists of: - large volume press synchrotron XRD ± ultrasonic velocity...

NI 108o- Key Stage 4 attainment for black and minority ethnic groups

Key Stage 4 is the stage of the National Curriculum between ages 14 and 16 years. This indicator relates to examinations taken at the end of the Key Stage. Minority ethnic groups measured for the...

NI 107o- Key Stage 2 attainment for Black and minority ethnic groups

Key Stage (KS) 2 is the stage of the National Curriculum between ages 8 and 11 years. This indicator relates to tests taken by 11 year olds at the end of KS2. Minority ethnic groups measured for...

Social Housing Asset Value Manchester

This data set is provided as specified in para. 38 of Local Government Transparency Code February 2015 This data provides information relating to the market value of social housing...

NI 198o - Children travelling to school - mode of transport usually used - Pupils aged 5-16 - by public transport

Proportion of school aged children in full time education travelling to school by the mode of travel that they usually use. Mode of transport is defined as six modes: cars, including vans and...

Chemical kinetic mechanism describing the atmospheric chemistry of 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP) and piperazine (PIP) with OH, NO2, Cl and N2O3. Gaussian software methodology and calculations (UKCCSRC Grant EP/P026214/1)

Amine atmospheric chemistry kinetic mechanism and related Gaussian 09 electronic structure outputs. A text document with a chemical kinetic reaction mechanism appropriate for the atmospheric...

Electron Probe Microanalyzer (EPMA) data from a selection of tephra occurrences drilled at IODP Sites 350-U1436 and 350-U1437. (NERC grant NE/M005240/1)

Many tephra layers were identified in sediment cores drilled during IODP Expedition 350. Here, 1092 glass shards from 76 tephra occurrences (layer or patch) were analysed using electron probe...