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33 results found

Senior Staff salary

In 2011, the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster City Council embarked upon a unique and ambitious shared services programme...

National Scenic Areas - Scotland

National Scenic Areas (NSAs) are a national landscape designation of areas that have been identified as having outstanding scenic value in a national context. The designation’s purpose is both to...

Kent and Essex IFCA whelk pot hole size pilot study 2012

In response to a dramatic increase in the number of whelk pots being set in the district in 2011, KEIFCA introduced an emergency byelaw limiting the number of pots per vessel to 300. As part of the...

Kent and Essex IFCA whelk pot hole size pilot study 2012

In response to a dramatic increase in the number of whelk pots being set in the district in 2011, KEIFCA introduced an emergency byelaw limiting the number of pots per vessel to 300. As part of the...

UKCCSRC Call 1 Project: Oxyfuel and exhaust gas recirculation processes in gas turbine combustion for improved carbon capture performance

Conventional power generation in the UK faces a significant challenge in the face of decarbonising and maintaining a reliable, secure and cost effective electricity supply. The requirement for...

Digital Geological Map Data of Great Britain - 50k (DiGMapGB-50) Artificial version 7

Data identifies landscape areas (shown as polygons) attributed with type of artificial or man-made ground. It indicates areas where the ground surface has been significantly modified by human...

Pathological findings in the mass mortality event of saiga antelope, May 2015

Field-pathological findings of 33 saiga antelope carcasses (adults and new-born) found in two sites (Tengiz and Turgai, Kazakhstan) during a mass die-off event in May 2015. In Kazakhstan May 2015,...

BGS Geology - 50k (DiGMapGB-50) Artificial version 8

Data identifies landscape areas (shown as polygons) attributed with type of artificial or man-made ground. It indicates areas where the ground surface has been significantly modified by human...

Inflammatory bowel disease national clinical audit of biological therapies (2016)

Data from the UK IBD audit requires careful interpretation and the information should not be looked at in isolation when assessing standards of care. The results should be interpreted within the...

Inflammatory bowel disease national clinical audit of biological therapies (2015)

Data from the UK IBD audit requires careful interpretation and the information should not be looked at in isolation when assessing standards of care. The results should be interpreted within the...

UK Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) audit: round 3 (2010-2012)

Data from the UK IBD audit requires careful interpretation and the information should not be looked at in isolation when assessing standards of care. The results should be interpreted within the...

Digital Geological Map Data of Great Britain - 50k (DiGMapGB-50) Linear version 7

Linear features (shown as polylines) represent six classes of geological structural features e.g. faults, folds or landforms e.g. buried channels, glacial drainage channels at the ground or bedrock...

BGS Geology - 10k (DiGMapGB-10) Artificial version 2

Data identifies landscape areas (shown as polygons) attributed with type of artificial or man-made ground. It indicates areas where the ground surface has been significantly modified by human...

BGS Geology - 50k (DiGMapGB-50) Linear version 8

Linear features (shown as polylines) represent six classes of geological structural features e.g. faults, folds or landforms e.g. buried channels, glacial drainage channels at the ground or bedrock...

Cabinet Office Business Plan Quarterly Data Summary

The Government has published the Business Plan Quarterly Data Summaries (QDS) The QDS are designed to fit on a single page to provide a quarterly snapshot on how each department is spending its...

BGS Geology - 10k (DiGMapGB-10) Linear version 2

Linear features (shown as polylines) represent seven classes of geological structural features e.g. faults, folds or landforms e.g. buried channels, glacial drainage channels at the ground or...

Digital Geological Map Data of Great Britain - 25k (DiGMapGB-25) Linear version 2

Linear features (shown as polylines) represent six classes of geological structural features e.g. faults, folds or landforms e.g. buried channels, glacial drainage channels at the ground or bedrock...

Processed SAR interferograms (NERC grant NE/N011791/1)

Processed SAR interferograms for the Wells, Nevada earthquake. Grant abstract: How do earthquakes happen? Understanding the nature of earthquakes is a key fundamental question in Geociences that...

Azores processed theoretical waveforms (NERC grant NE/N011791/1)

Theoretical waveforms computed to study earthquakes in the Azores archipelago. Grant abstract: How do earthquakes happen? Understanding the nature of earthquakes is a key fundamental question in...

Habitat point records from 1989 FSCRC Blackshaw Bank (Solway) cockle dredging study

The effects of intensive hydraulic cockle dredging during one tidal cycle on the sediment and infaunal community compostion of two areas of sediment flat were studied during the period June 1989 -...