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OS Open Built Up Areas

OS Open Built Up Areas represents the built up areas of Great Britain and contains three unique datasets, offering maximum flexibility to meet your needs: Built Up Areas, Built Up Extents and Non...

Built up Area

Built up Area (BUA) within Mole Valley, Surrey. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence - INSPIRE

Built up Area

Built up Area (BUA) within Mole Valley, Surrey. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence - INSPIRE

Built-up Areas Web map


Built-up Areas: User Guidance

2011 Census data for built-up areas provide information on the villages, towns and cities where people live, and allows comparisons between people living in built-up areas and those living...

Horsham District Council Built Up Areas

Horsham District Council Built Up Area Boundaries. A built up area boundary defines a policy line which separates urban land, on which development may be acceptable, from the countryside, within...

Horsham District Council Built Up Polygon

Please visit our Open Data hub : Horsham District Council Built Up Area Boundaries. A built up area boundary defines a...

Built-up Area to Built-up Area Sub Division (March 2011) Lookup in England and Wales

Click on the title for more information and to download the file.  (File Size - 265 KB)

Built Address

The Built Address Feature Type represents local authority addresses that are currently built and live and can typically receive mail, deliveries, or services. For example, homes, shops, schools and...

Built-up Areas (2011): User Guidance

2011 Census data for built-up areas provide information on the villages, towns and cities where people live, and allows comparisons between people living in built-up areas and those living...

Built-up Area (2011) to Built-up Area Sub Division (March 2011) Exact Fit Lookup in EW

A lookup between built-up areas and built-up area sub-divisions as at 27 March 2011 (Census day) in England and Wales (File Size 266KB).REST URL of Feature Access Service –...

Built-up Areas (December 2011) Boundaries V2

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for built-up areas in England and Wales as at 27 March 2011 (Census day). The built-up area boundaries are generalised and created using an...

Built-up Areas (December 2011) Boundaries V2

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for built-up areas in England and Wales as at 27 March 2011 (Census day). The built-up area boundaries are generalised and created using an...

Built Up Areas (2024) Boundaries EW BGG

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for built up areas in England and Wales as at 2024. The built up area boundaries are generalised and created using an automated approach based on a...

Local Plan 2004 Built-up Areas within Green Belt

Built-up areas within the Green Belt relevant to Policy GB4 of the Adopted Local Plan 2004, polygons

Guide to Presenting Statistics for Built-up Areas (November 2015)

This guidance note sets out the recommended standard presentation of statistics for built-up areas at regional, built-up area and built-up area sub-division levels in England and Wales and is now...

Major Towns and Cities and Built-up Areas Swipe Map

How would you define the boundaries of a town or city in England and Wales in 2016? Maybe your definition would be based on its population size, geographic extent or where the industry and services...

Built-up Area Sub Divisions (December 2011) Boundaries

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for built-up area sub-divisions in England and Wales as at 27 March 2011 (Census day). The built-up area sub-division boundaries are generalised and...

Built-up Area Sub Divisions (December 2011) Boundaries

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for built-up area sub-divisions in England and Wales as at 27 March 2011 (Census day). The built-up area sub-division boundaries are generalised and...

Built-up Area Sub Divisions (December 2011) Boundaries

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for built-up area sub-divisions in England and Wales as at 27 March 2011 (Census day). The built-up area sub-division boundaries are generalised and...