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The heroin epidemic of the 1980s and 1990s and its effect on crime trends

A historical account of the heroin epidemic in England and Wales, assessing its impact on crime both then and now

An overview of the decline in the BSE epidemic comparing full calendar years

This dataset provides an overview of the decline in the BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) epidemic in reported cases by comparing full calendar years, and including number restricted, percent...

Results of AquaNet-Mod for projecting the economic burden of the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) listed diseases across English and Welsh Salmonid industry

The outputs of the Aquaculture Network Disease Model (AquaNet-Mod), predicting the epidemiological and economic burden of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia in English and Welsh salmonid farms under...

Learning lessons from previous pandemic-related and other shocks

The purpose of this report is to collate literature on the health, social, community, economic and environmental impacts of epidemics, pandemics and other shocks that have had large-scale impacts...