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442 results found

Species point records from 1978 NCC Uists sublittoral survey

A survey of sublittoral sites around the Uists and Harris/Lewis. [N.B. In addition in this report there are notes on the Loch Obisary survey by Mitchell et al. in 1978 - Surv. No. 200 (R0318) and...

Habitat point records from 1978 NCC Uists sublittoral survey

A survey of sublittoral sites around the Uists and Harris/Lewis. [N.B. In addition in this report there are notes on the Loch Obisary survey by Mitchell et al. in 1978 - Surv. No. 200 (R0318) and...

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project: Advanced Sorbents for CCS via Controlled Sintering

The project is mainly experimental in nature. Sieved samples of a variety of UK, Canadian and Spanish limestones will be pre-calcined and sintered at elevated temperatures to differing extents...

Forest Restock Coupes

This dataset shows restocking coupes. These are areas of intended management and may not be implemented when indicated or at all. The attribution indicates the probable habitat or species...

Forestry England Restocking Areas

This dataset shows restocking areas. These are areas of intended management and may not be implemented when indicated or at all. The attribution indicates the probable habitat or species. A...

Bus and Tram Lanes

A bus lane is an area of the road bounded by delineated road markings and/or signs which is intended for buses only. Cyclists are also permitted to use bus lanes in Nottingham. A tram lane is an...

Approved Less Than Thoroughly Cooked Meat Establishments

Establishments approved for the production of minced meat and/or meat preparations intended to be eaten less than thoroughly cooked

UKCCSRC Call 1 Project final report: Oxyfuel and exhaust gas recirculation processes in gas turbine combustion for improved carbon capture performance

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 1 project Oxyfuel and exhaust gas recirculation processes in gas turbine combustion for improved carbon capture performance was presented at the CSLF Call project...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project poster: Oxyfuel and EGR Processes in GT Combustion, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 1 project Oxyfuel and exhaust gas recirculation processes in gas turbine combustion for improved carbon capture performance was presented at the CSLF Call project...

Natural Heritage Futures

Many countries around the world have begun to adopt zonation systems as a strategic framework to guide their approach to the conservation, enhancement, understanding and use of the natural...

HMO Licensing Register

WARNING: This register is intended for the purpose of identifying licensed HMOs and management arrangements in the London Borough of Camden. It is not intended for marketing purposes and none of...

Spend over £25,000 by General Teaching Council for England

As part of the transparency agenda commitment relating to public expenditure, intended to help achieve better value for money, the Department for Education (DfE) and our Arms Length Bodies (ALBs)...

Record level data on Pioneer places and Core Cities.

For Local Authorities Pioneer Places competition, we are intending to ask those LA’s that we are funding to provide information each month on Total of spend against budgeted capital/programme...

Spend over £25,000 by Training and Development Agency for Schools

As part of the transparency agenda commitment relating to public expenditure, intended to help achieve better value for money, the Department for Education (DfE) and our Arm’s Length Bodies (ALBs)...

Spend over £25,000 by Partnerships for Schools

As part of the transparency agenda commitment relating to public expenditure, intended to help achieve better value for money, the Department for Education (DfE) and our Arm’s Length Bodies (ALBs)...

Spend over £25,000 by National College

As part of the transparency agenda commitment relating to public expenditure, intended to help achieve better value for money, the Department for Education (DfE) and our Arm’s Length Bodies (ALBs)...

Spend over £25,000 by School Food Trust

As part of the transparency agenda commitment relating to public expenditure, intended to help achieve better value for money, the Department for Education (DfE) and our Arm’s Length Bodies (ALBs)...

Metropolitan Open Land

showing boundaries of areas where this is intended to protect areas of landscape, recreation, nature conservation and scientific interest which are strategically important

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Monthly Dataset

This statistical release makes available the most recent Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) final monthly data. This series replaces the previous Quarterly IAPT Reports, last...

Prolific and other Priority Offenders

Annual statistics on the proven offending of individuals identified as Prolific and other Priority Offenders (PPOs). The data presented in this report are intended to provide a measure of the level...