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Sustainable Development Indicators in your pocket

This National Statistics booklet presents and assesses the indicators - measures of everyday concerns including health, housing, jobs, crime, education and our environment. Source agency:...

Child Maintenance

Child maintenance is financial support that helps towards a child’s everyday living costs when the parents have separated. The parent who doesn’t have day-to-day care of the child (the ‘paying...

Species Surveys - Non-Native Species

Invasive non-native species surveyed and collected during the Environment Agency (EA)monitoring activities including location and date of survey. Primarily aquatic and riparian species. Any...

EA Non-native species survey

Invasive non-native species surveyed and collected during the Environment Agency (EA)monitoring activities including location and date of survey. Primarily aquatic and riparian species. Any...

FE data library: skills for life

Information on skills for life qualifications by participation and achievements. Skills for Life qualifications are designed to give people the reading, writing, maths and communication skills...

Skills for Life in England

Annually updated data for Skills for Life Qualifications in England. The data shows participation and achievement figures broken down by Age, Level, Provider Type, Geography and Learner...

EU Project: Weburn - IEA (International Energy Agency) Weyburn CO2 monitoring and storage project

The IEA (International Energy Agency) Weyburn Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Monitoring and Storage Project has analysed the effects of a miscible CO2 flood into a carbonate reservoir rock at an onshore...

Biosphere Reserves

This spatial dataset contains the digital boundaries of biosphere reserves in Wales. The Biosphere Reserve is an international designation made by UNESCO based on nominations made by more than 110...

EU Project Report: Weyburn - IEA (International Energy Agency) Weyburn CO2 Monitoring and Storage Project Report, Final report of the European research team

The IEA (International Energy Agency) Weyburn Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Monitoring and Storage Project has analysed the effects of a miscible CO2 flood into a carbonate reservoir rock at an onshore...

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project: Advanced Sorbents for CCS via Controlled Sintering

The project is mainly experimental in nature. Sieved samples of a variety of UK, Canadian and Spanish limestones will be pre-calcined and sintered at elevated temperatures to differing extents...

Hidden crisis project: studies of community water management in Malawi and Uganda 2017-2018 (NERC Grant NE/M008606/1)

In developing countries, the dominant model for managing rural water supplies is a community-level association or committee. Although a relative paucity of evidence exists to support this model, it...

National Marine Character Areas (NMCA)

Seascapes, like landscapes, reflect the relationship between people and place and the part it plays in forming the setting to our everyday lives. Marine Character Areas highlight the key natural,...

Core Path Network - Fife

The Core Paths aim to satisfy the basic needs of local people and visitors for general access and recreation. They comprise a mixture of existing and some new paths. The Core Paths cater for all...

Camel Estuary Wreck

This project presents the results of the emergency recording and undesignated site assessment of the possible wreck of the barque Antoinette, Camel Estuary, Padstow, Cornwall carried out by...

Hidden crisis project: in-depth qualitative social science survey of community water management arrangements in Ethiopia, Malawi, and Uganda 2017-2018 (NERC grant NE/M008606/1)

In developing countries, the dominant model for managing rural water supplies is a community-level association or committee. Although a relative paucity of evidence exists to support this model, it...

Collection of Multi-model Data from the Arctic Predictability and Prediction On Seasonal-to-Interannual Time-scales (APPOSITE) Project

How feasible is it to predict Arctic climate at seasonal-to-interannual timescales? As part of the APPOSITE project a multi-model ensemble prediction experiment was conducted in order to answer...

Collection of Multi-model Data from the Arctic Predictability and Prediction On Seasonal-to-Interannual Time-scales (APPOSITE) Project

How feasible is it to predict Arctic climate at seasonal-to-interannual timescales? As part of the APPOSITE project a multi-model ensemble prediction experiment was conducted in order to answer...

Focus on London - Income and Spending

**FOCUS**ON**LONDON**2010:**INCOME**AND**SPENDING**AT**HOME** Household income in London far exceeds that of any other region in the UK. At £900 per week, London’s gross weekly household income is...