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54 results found

The BGS UK (North) Biostratigraphical Collection Of Graphic Logs

Stored in Murchison House, this dataset (FAUNGRAPHLOG_ED) is the BGS UK (North) collection of paper graphic logs from boreholes and measured natural sections, particularly in the Carboniferous of...

Crown Prosecution Service Major Projects Portfolio data, 2015

Each government department has published detailed information about projects on the Government Major Project Portfolio (GMPP). This includes a delivery confidence assessment rating, financial...

Weinan city earthquake scenario narratives (English language) (NERC grant NE/N012364/1)

The two earthquake scenario narratives are communications tools created to engage the local population and policy makers in Weinan city. They will be uploaded on the Overseas Development Institute...

Government Major Projects Portfolio data for the Home Office

Publication of Home Office Major Projects Portfolio (GMPP) data as part of the Major Projects Authority (MPA) annual report. This includes the MPA RAG rating, departmental narrative, key project...

OS VectorMap™ Local Raster

Keywords: Buildings, Rivers, OSVectorMapLocalColourRaster, OSVectorMapLocalBackdropColourRaster, OSVectorMapLocalBlackAndWhiteRaster OS VectorMap Raster is a GeoTiff, pre-styled version...

OS VectorMap Local

A highly-detailed, customisable, street-level base map, OS VectorMap Local shows fences, building outlines, paths and street names, for the accurate lie of the land. A simple vector dataset at a...

A&E Attendances and Emergency Admissions Quarterly Report

POSTPONED due to resource issues. We plan to publish a report covering 2014/15 quarters 1 and 2 on 17 October 2014. Please note that this postponement relates to the narrative report only. The...

OS Open Linked Identifiers

OS Open Linked Identifiers provides authoritative relationship between UPRNs, USRNs, TOIDs and meta data to enable reliable matching; for greater data connectivity. Authoritative relationships OS...

Government Major Projects Portfolio data for Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs

Each government department publishes detailed information about projects on the Government Major Projects Portfolio (GMPP). This September 2014 GMPP data is published in support of the 2015 Major...

OS VectorMap District

OS VectorMap District is a simple vector dataset with a nominal scale of 1:25000 covering the whole of Great Britain that has been designed for creating graphical mapping. The product can be used...

Innovation in mapping ecosystem services and understanding the ecosystems approach to the protected site

Report contains data that can be used under Open Government Licence. Main report mostly narrative. 3 technical reports contain data. This project is collaboration with Biodiversity and Ecosystem...

National Real Time Water Quality Data

Real time water quality data is collected using equipment provided by the National Water Quality Instrumentation Service and is deployed by area teams within the Environment Agency. The link...

London Plan 2015 Maps and Figures

[Maps from the 2015 London Plan]( Plan 2015 maps and in PNG format. PNG (graphic) files of all 30...

COVID-19 Daily Data Tracker

This dataset contains daily data trackers for the COVID-19 pandemic, aggregated by month and starting 18.3.20. The first release of COVID-19 data on this platform was on 1.6.20. Updates have...

Neighbourhood Ward Profile

This profile provides a graphical illustration of how different wards relate to each other, and to Calderdale as a whole, on topics that can affect the neighbourhood. These topics include benefits,...

National Landscape Character Areas (NLCA)

This dataset comprises of boundaries for the 48 regional landscape character areas for Wales. The purpose of this data capture was to geographically distinguish different regions in Wales in...

1992 - 2022 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) England & Wales - E.coli measurements in shellfish flesh from monitoring data for England and Wales

Generally monthly collected Official Control shellfish samples collected from 400 or so sites across E&W by local authority sampling officers. Analysed for *E. coli* in shellfish flesh in...

Bradford Council workforce profile

The Council is required by law to publish information about its employees relating to certain categories (known as Protected Characteristics) under the Equality Act 2010. So that the user can most...

Heavy metal, nitrogen, and sulphur atmospheric deposition from the European Monitoring and Evaluation Program Model for the UK (EMEP4UK) for 2040, 2070 and 2100 under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathway scenarios 1-5

This dataset is a model output from the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) model applied to the UK (EMEP4UK) driven by Weather and Research Forecast model meteorology (WRF). It...

Ikon Reports for OGA-selected wells

This delivery contains a subset of wells from Ikon Science's regional Roknowledge studies which are within some of the areas currently open as part of the 30th Licencing Round. The wells have been...