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846 results found

Large & Complex Hit Rate

Internal Departmental Systems on Large & Complex Hit Rates. Updated: monthly.

Large & Complex Hit Rate

Internal Departmental Systems on Large & Complex Hit Rates. Updated: monthly.

Large Business Service Hit Rate

Internal Departmental Systems on Large Business Service Hit Rates. Updated: monthly.

Large Business Service Hit Rate

Internal Departmental Systems on Large Business Service Hit Rates. Updated: monthly.

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Weekly Waste Collection Missed

This indicator is part of the Council's corporate indicator set - K1 W3. This information is published every 6 months, at the half year and year end. The figure given is the total amount of missed...

Weekly Waste Collection Missed

This indicator is part of the Council's corporate indicator set - K1 W3. This information is published every 6 months, at the half year and year end. The figure given is the total amount of missed...

Near miss hazard incidents

Near miss and hazard data for Environment Agency employees reported from SHERMS 2 system, providing event category, month and year of event, and primary cause of event. Data from May 2011 to March...

Near Miss Incidents March 2000 to May 2012

Near miss incidents reported by Environment Agency employees during the period from March 2000 to May 2012. This is the complete near miss data set from our first reporting system and will not be...

Input-Output Analytical Tables

Input-Output (I-O) Analytical Tables are derived from the annual Input-Output Supply and Use Tables (SUTs). Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National...

Missed bins per 100,000 collections - (YTD) (COLI3)

Missed bins per 100,000 collections - (YTD) (COLI3)

Input-Output Analyses

Input-Output Annual Supply and Use Tables (I-O SUTs) and various other analyses, which contain details of the components of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the United Kingdom (UK), as measured...

Children with one or more decayed, missing or filled teeth

Children with one or more decayed, missing or filled teeth

Quality Adjusted Labour Input (experimental)

Quality-adjusted labour input (QALI) is a measure of labour input to economic production which takes account of the composition of the workforce as well as the volume of hours worked. It provides a...

London input-output tables

The London IO tables provide an overview of activity across sectors and key aggregates (production, consumption and expenditure) as well as the interlinkages between sectors and London’s trade...

Scottish Agriculture Output, Input and Income Statistics

Detailed analysis of Total Income From Farming (TIFF) inputs, outputs, average prices, volume series, economic indicators, grants and subsidies. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation:...

United Kingdom Input-Output Analyses

Input-Output Annual Supply and Use Tables (I-O SUTs) and various other analyses, which contain details of the components of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the United Kingdom (UK), as measured...

Children Missing from Home or Care, LA Self Evaluation Scores

The release provides data on the self-evaluation scores given by each local authority in relation to available measures to monitor and respond to cases of Children Missing from Home or Care. A new...

Input-Output Supply and Use Tables

An essential source for the data underlying Gross Domestic Product. These balances provide a single framework showing the relationship between components of value added, industry inputs and...

MFIX simulation input and output files for the study of particle laden saline gravity currents

MFIX (Multiphase Flow with Interphase eXchanges) simulation input files and raw particle output files. Description of files 1. The directory "MFIX_Setup" contains the MFIX simulation input files...